Wednesday, April 11, 2018

Donald Trump does best among people who have less access to reliable news outlets. Go figure.

Courtesy of Politico: 

President Donald Trump’s attacks on the mainstream media may be rooted in statistical reality: An extensive review of subscription data and election results shows that Trump outperformed the previous Republican nominee, Mitt Romney, in counties with the lowest numbers of news subscribers, but didn't do nearly as well in areas with heavier circulation. 

POLITICO’s findings — which put Trump’s escalating attacks on the media in a new context — were drawn from a comparison of election results and subscription information from the Alliance for Audited Media, an industry group that verifies print and digital circulation for advertisers. The findings cover more than 1,000 mainstream news publications in more than 2,900 counties out of 3,100 nationwide from every state except Alaska, which does not hold elections at the county level. 

The results show a clear correlation between low subscription rates and Trump’s success in the 2016 election, both against Hillary Clinton and when compared to Romney in 2012. Those links were statistically significant even when accounting for other factors that likely influenced voter choices, such as college education and employment, suggesting that the decline of local media sources by itself may have played a role in the election results. 

That gives new force to the widely voiced concerns of news-industry professionals and academicians about Trump’s ability to make bold assertions about crime rates, unemployment and other verifiable facts without any independent checks. Those concerns, which initially were raised during the campaign, were largely based on anecdotes and observations. POLITICO’s analysis suggests that Trump did, indeed, do worse overall in places where independent media could check his claims.

And as we know Trump also outperforms in places where the local news comes from Sinclair Broadcasting, and where Fox News is the favorite cable news outlet.

We always wonder how Trump can continue to simply make shit up all the time, and not have it destroy his credibility.

The answer is that people don't know that he is making it up unless a reliable news outlet fact checks him.

Which of course is also why there are so many attacks on the established mainstream media, and accusations of "fake news" directed at respected newspapers like the Washington Post and the New York Times.

So long as there are Americans isolated from fact based news reporting there will be a Donald Trump to take advantage of their ignorance.

If we want to help this country perhaps it's time to start buying our friends and family their own subscriptions to some of that "liberal" news media.


  1. Anonymous3:13 AM

    Fox no news in London was raided. No doubt they will find more connecting info for Mueller.

  2. Anonymous3:41 AM

    Time for fox, brietfart, info wars, and other disinformation and misinformation to be taken down. Cut them off and stop the flow of ignorance.

  3. Anonymous4:12 AM

    I am disillusioned by people realizing many do not care or want to know truth aka verifiable facts. I know people who have access to news outlets and computers who demonstrate disinterest in fact check sites. The last person who told me that news is all fake I simply stated it requires effort to fact check to determine who is trust worthy and corrects a misreported fact.

    IMO Donald Trump like any con man knows that people are easy o take advantage of. Conning people that others are liars, malicious, all against you manipulates people to be fooled the con man is their protector while projecting their predator behavior.

    1. Anonymous5:12 AM

      "I love the poorly educated! We’re the smartest people, we’re the most loyal people.” -- February 23, 2016

  4. Anonymous6:19 AM


  5. Anonymous6:23 AM

    OT? Not Fake...or False...

    1. Anonymous7:14 AM

      '“Companies over countries” was his early motto.'
      "When Facebook’s technical mission to connect people is imagined as itself a moral good, all efforts in that direction become righteous by definition.

      Asking questions about how that mission might go awry, then, may be seen as disloyal: “This is so disappointing, wonder if there is a way to hire for integrity. We are probably focusing on the intelligence part and getting smart people here who lack a moral compass and loyalty,” as one Facebook employee put it recently in an internal discussion. When asked about people who thought Apple was better at privacy, Zuckerberg claimed those customers had “Stockholm syndrome.”"

    2. Anonymous10:07 AM

      'Zuckerberg has been apologizing for reckless privacy violations since he was a freshman
      Enough is enough.' {$orry is NOT Enough}

    3. Anonymous3:22 PM

  6. Anonymous6:44 AM

    Cocktail$ & CannibU$
    'The U.S. marijuana industry has a new spokesman:
    John Boehner.

  7. Anonymous7:29 AM


    "“We are here to serve the public and we just don’t condone this,” Holman said. “I mean we are here to help and gain the trust of the community and things like this erode that trust.”

    Another German Township firefighter was placed on unpaid leave last month after sharing a Facebook post that used a racial slur to mock black people, high school dropouts and fast food workers.

    Bradley Baugh, a lieutenant with the Green Township department, was fired from Springfield Fire/Rescue Division over the post just weeks after starting his job there.">

    "His Facebook introduction reads:
    “I am a gun toten redneck . God , country, family. America!”"

  8. Anonymous7:34 AM

    FAKE FUCKeR cabana boy>"Ryan’s departure has been reported since December 2017. This news is no surprise. Ryan is planning on using his remaining time in office to gut Social Security and Medicare." "It is a FAIRY tale to think that Ryan is leaving for family and going out on top."

  9. Yes. Of course. He outright lies. And it works.

  10. Anonymous8:41 AM

    Watch this and See real community LEARNing Together. :-)
    (Cordova, Ak included.) Beautifuly Engaging.

  11. Anonymous8:58 AM


    1. Anonymous9:13 AM

      'the study of changes in organisms caused by modification of gene expression rather than alteration of the genetic code itself.'

  12. Anonymous2:44 PM

    Do they even read or watch the news, I think they just read his tweets, if they can read that is


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.