Tuesday, April 10, 2018

Donald Trump throws a Twitter tantrum over the FBI raid of his attorney's home and office.

This of course follows Trump's total meltdown yesterday after learning of this raid.

Courtesy of CNN:

"I just heard that they broke into the office of one of my personal attorneys. Good man. And it's a disgraceful situation. It's a total witch hunt," Trump said Monday, referring to a lawful FBI raid. 

"It's an attack on our country," Trump said. "It's an attack on what we all stand for." 

Trump lamented what he called a "witch hunt" that has dogged his term in office, slammed Sessions for recusing himself from the Russia probe and argued that investigators on Mueller's team are "just about" all Democrats -- which is false. 

"This is ridiculous. This is now getting ridiculous," Trump said, pointing to a "whole new level of unfairness." 

Asked why he hasn't moved to fire Mueller, Trump again said the situation is a "disgrace." 

"Why don't I just fire Mueller? Well, I think it's a disgrace what's going on. We'll see what happens," Trump said. "Many people have said you should fire him. Again, they found nothing. And in finding nothing, that's a big statement." 

Oh yeah, somebody's about to snap.

For the record the attorney-client privilege is NOT dead.

It just does not apply if your lawyer is breaking the law on your behalf. 


  1. Anonymous6:14 AM

    Fyi-koch deal gone vlad...


  2. Anonymous6:15 AM


    1. Anonymous7:23 AM



  3. abbafan6:18 AM

    The end is near; fat donald will soon be a shit-stain on the drawers of history!!

    1. Leland9:02 AM

      He already is a shit stain, just not one that has been removed yet.

    2. Anonymous5:39 PM

      As Vicente Fox so eloquently stated "History will crush him under her heel."

      That's why i refer to him as 45*, with the asterisk denoting his presidency will be but a footnote in history; otherwise, he will be up there with the other despots —ergo— the shit-stain.

  4. Anonymous6:41 AM

    ". What I would love to see is the affidavit supporting these search warrants, the statement made by the agents to establish enough probable cause to get a judge to sign off on this warrant.”"“It’s not a witch hunt. it’s not a fishing expedition,” “They have identified probable cause.”"


    1. WAAAAY beyond probably cause. You don't approve a search warrant on an attorney and his offices unless you have a fucking lot of cause.

  5. Anonymous6:45 AM

    Will USPS be issuing a stamp of him at some point? The dreams of countless will come true when one can stay at home all day in bed licking Donald.

    1. Anonymous8:03 AM

      I so hope a US stamp never carries his photo. Doubt many would sell and it would be a huge loser for the United States Post Office!

    2. Anonymous8:32 AM

      Sure, it will be a stamp for use on Amazon packages. It will signify "bulk discount"! /s

  6. Anonymous7:06 AM

    I liked trump's complaint that the raid on Cohen's office/hotel room and, by extension, the Mueller Russian-influence investigation constituted "an attack on the country." I think trump has it backwards. The "attack on the country" was the interference by the Russians in the 2016 election which trump's campaign and the GOP facilitated and welcomed.

  7. Anonymous7:08 AM


    "It appears that the high-flying international crook is having trouble keeping people loyal to him. When faced with pressure from the FBI they are folding as fast as you can say “jail time.”

    “People do strange things when confronted with authoritative FBI agents,” " Strange? Or Do the RIGHT thing? Justice.


  8. Anonymous7:37 AM


    ' The tiny$htick is up. '

  9. Anonymous7:39 AM

    OT? "Facebook was warned five years ago that the “reverse-lookup” feature in its search engine could be used to harvest names, profiles, and phone numbers for virtually all its users. But the company ignored the red flags until last week"
    "Zuckerberg swears he found out just two weeks ago that bad actors were harvesting users’ private info by the millions. "



    1. Anonymous8:04 AM

      "Matwyshyn said the question isn’t really whether Facebook knew or didn’t know, but whether it reasonably should have known that this was going to happen. “And it was reasonably foreseeable that this sort of problem would happen,” "Matwyshyn suggests it’s sort of three-prong process — part technical, part social, and part resignation to the reality of Facebook. You can change your privacy setting, and read the terms of service. You can help your friends change their privacy settings.

      “And some of it is the less pleasant recognition that when you’re posting things, you need to think not only about what that post will mean today in terms of information that you want to share with your friends, but also what that information could say about you five months from now in the hands of a party that wanted to use it to hurt you in some way,”"much harder to fix — the disconnect between what Facebook users except the social network to be, and how Facebook sees itself. Which is really the core of the issue. Facebook’s users and Facebook itself.

      “People at the top of Facebook believe what is good for Facebook is good for humanity, and vice versa,” Vaidhyanathan said. “They truly believe if they have as much data as possible, they can figure out how to use it, they can roll out services that will improve our lives, it will all be worth it." ? will ~IT~


    2. Anonymous11:51 AM

      "Wow, it doesnt get much better than this. What a snot...."Senator, I'll have my team get back to you", over and over again. But what would you expect from a super geek whose great big idea was originally, "HOT or NOT". He hasnt changed a bit."

    3. Anonymous3:54 PM

      "‘You don’t have answers’" Facebook, and I’m going to assume you personally as a CEO, became aware in December 2015 that Dr. Kogan and Cambridge Analytica misappropriated data from 87 million users,” the former prosecutor noted. “That is 27 months ago, you became aware 27 months ago.”

      “A decision was made not to notify the users,” Harris continued. “Were you part of a discussion that … resulted in a decision not to inform your users?” “Senator, in retrospect, I think we clearly view it as a mistake that we did not inform people,” Zuckerberg admitted. “We did that based on false information, we thought the case was closed and the data was deleted.”

      “There was a decision made not to inform the users, is that correct?” Sen. Harris asked.

      “Yes,” Zuckerberg answered. “In retrospect, I think that was a mistake. Knowing what we know now, we should have handled things differently.”"


    4. Anonymous4:02 PM


      "“How do you sustain a business model in which users don’t pay for your service?” Sen. Orrin Hatch (R-UT) asked Zuckerberg early on in the hearing.

      “Senator, we run ads,” Zuckerberg replied."
      "Conservative Sens. Ted Cruz (R-TX) and Mike Lee (R-UT) were determined to out Facebook as having a liberal slant." “Regulations can ... cement the dominant power,” said Sen. Dan Sullivan (R-AK)."


    5. Anonymous5:47 PM

      Gosh... 2 billion people being collectively zuckerberged doesn't feel so good.

      Zuck reminds me of Tony Hayward, BP's CEO, trying so so hard to sound sincere whilst rendering the most heartfelt apology, colored with his undeniable attitude of being a martyr and taking one for the team.

      (Remember "I want my life back"?)

      People, we've met Zuck's kind, before.

    6. Anonymous6:06 PM


      "The fake Black Lives Matter page had amassed over 700,000 followers, dwarfing the 320,000 followers that the real page has on Facebook. The page was also tied to fundraising efforts that had raised close to $100,000. CNN learned that some of the money was transferred to Australian bank accounts.
      “I haven’t seen the details of that report, but any sort of dishonesty or fraud of the kind that’s alleged is wrong—it would be illegal,” Australia’s Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull said Tuesday."

    7. When Zuckerberg was asked his opinion as to whether Facebook handles private information more securely than the government he said "Yes."

      That is going to bite him in the ass.

  10. Anonymous7:51 AM

    Watch this Ru$$ian Bullshit>"To make his point, AleXXX Jones embraced a nearby flag and gave it several kisses.

    “I love Putin!” he screamed sarcastically.
    “And George Soros killed Hitler! I love George Soros.”"

    "“This thing, it’s almost like a new religion, a pharisee or something… I publish whole [Russia Today] articles because they let us publish them,” the radio host said. “But we also publish stuff from the [the Anti-Defamation League] and the Southern Poverty Law Center that I disagree with. So, it’s just not intellectually a fair argument to say, look, he’s gone on Russian TV.”

    “It’s what I say!” Jones screamed. “Listen! Christ said you judge a tree by its fruits! I’m Americana, I’m free markets, I’m red-blooded, fire-breathing, ’57 Chevy, Marilyn Monroe — give it to me!”< RIGHT up the a$$!


  11. Anonymous8:02 AM

    Trump is such an ass!!! How many times have I made this declaration? Daily, folks! I detest his sorry soul and he's horrid when speaking on behalf of the United States of America!

    Impeachment is the only answer and there are a zillion reasons for it.

    1. Anonymous6:00 PM

      I, too, prayed for impeachment; then, i thought about Pence being in that seat. 45* is stupid, but Pence is evil.

      My hopes are hanging on November, when progressives overtake the House and Senate. I think we can stop the bleeding until 2020 — when we can kick 45* and his Mercer puppet, Pence, to the corner of the curb where the city picks up the garbage.

      This rationalization enables me to not take Xanax.

  12. Anonymous8:10 AM

    The attack on our country is being done by this criminal adminstration and their crooked attorneys.

  13. Anonymous8:22 AM


    OT?"an Israeli sniper shooting a seemingly unarmed and motionless Palestinian man in the Gaza Strip, followed by exuberant whooping from an onlooker." "The grainy video comes after almost two weeks of daily protests by Palestinians on the Israel-Gaza border in which the Israel Defence Forces (IDF) have fatally shot more than two dozen people and wounded hundreds"

  14. Anonymous8:29 AM

    ap·pel·la·tion 1885

  15. Anonymous8:36 AM


    "“Mr. Rosenstein’s personal involvement in the decision signals that the evidence seen by law enforcement officials was significant enough to persuade the Justice Department’s second-in-command that such an aggressive move was necessary.”

    That is to say, the opposite of a witch hunt."

    1. Leland9:08 AM

      You will NEVER convince the die hard followers of that.

    2. Anonymous9:31 AM

      L 9:08 But a Jury?

  16. Anonymous8:37 AM


    " Avenatti revealed that he had been asked not to release a sketch of the man who allegedly threatened Daniels, whose real name is Stephanie Clifford.
    Avenatti specifically mentioned the FBI raid on Cohen’s office and hinted that it is connected to a threat Daniels received while she was in Las Vegas."

  17. Anonymous8:44 AM

    Cohen looks like a mafia guy. He acts like one too.

    1. Anonymous11:03 AM

      He would have fit right in one of the Godfather movies. Mobster to the core.

  18. Anonymous8:48 AM

    LOL little donnie is so stupid he just confirmed his guilt.

    Cohen could be involved with illegal activities unrelated to don the con,he must have other clients,so why does Donnie think the raid has to do with him ?

    Because he is a crimimal.

  19. Anonymous8:55 AM

    And THEN 2 more>


    "It just does not apply if your lawyer is breaking the law on your behalf. " In a court of law let USa hope THAT is TRUE.

  20. Compare big nothings- Drumpf crimonals in one year there have been a number of indictments and some guilty pleas and the investigation continues.

    Compare that to thirty plus years investigating HRC and all her crookedness and we find...what?.....that's right, no criminal charges, no trials, no convictions, just a bunch of stoopid fucking wingnuts with egg on their faces and more grumblings about crooked HRC.

  21. Anonymous9:28 AM

    I anticipate indictments given the ones against Manafort after the FBI raided him. Today I weighed what a sick situation this is involving Trump, the president. I suspect Malania Trump may be reeling as well.

  22. Anonymous9:39 AM

    The stupid fat orange fuck lost attorney-client privilege when he lied and said he didn’t know about the Stormy Daniels payment. The stupid fat orange fuck.
    And no, an FBI raid on your lawyer is not an attack on the country.
    Now get out of Our House!

  23. Anonymous10:01 AM

    Evangelical$>"There ain't no room for the hopeless sinner
    Who would hurt all mankind just to save his own"


    'Curtis Mayfield & The Impressions - People Get Ready (1965)'

  24. Anonymous10:13 AM

    " from this point forward Michael Cohen cannot represent Donald Trump. That is a nonwaivable conflict of interest at this point. So to the extent, he was Donald Trump's lawyer, as of this morning moments before the FBI raided his office, that ceased to be the case the moment after they raided the door. That's a conflict of interest. It's nonwaivable. So the days of Michael Cohen being Mr. Trump's lawyer, at least for the foreseeable future, are over. That's number one. I think it's an important point because what it means is their level of communication is going to have to end or be drastically reduced because otherwise, that would be discoverable with our case or the criminal investigation."<MICHAEL AVENATTI


    " he can't fire me, and we're not going anywhere."

  25. Anonymous10:35 AM

    GOP Sen. Chuck Grassley Warns Trump: It’s ‘Suicide’
    to Talk About Firing Mueller
    The Republican leader warned the president the morning after Trump publicly fumed over the news that his personal lawyer Michael Cohen’s home had been raided by the FBI."


  26. Anonymous10:43 AM


    "A GOP operative close to the White House told POLITICO: “The all caps tweet, that’s the primal scream.
    That’s the WAR CRY.”

    “He’s losing his $hit,” “We’re at a different level NOW.”"

  27. Anonymous1:32 PM

    Like teabags, we are not meant to steep too long, it is not of the nature that we are. Overstepping is the ignorance itself. Christians call this sin. The 'permanent remaining in a set position' is not an accurate seeing of mans nature. The intractability of evolution must become a conviction, belief is not rooted in truth or identity.

  28. Anonymous2:35 PM

    and the investigating of Hillary isn't a witch hunt? trump is the most corrupt and useless president we have ever had. Nixon was bad. he did help the economy. all trump has done is enriched himself. he fucked around on his wife. he deserves what is coming-and so do we.

  29. abbafan4:54 PM

    One MAJOR fuck-up that fat donald blurted off-script in his usual screech-fest (aka impromptu "press conference",whilst babbling the usual stupidity, "there was no collusion, a total witch hunt", he blurted out this little gem - "I've been working to keep this down"... that one sentence, my friends, is a CLEAR admission of OBSTRUCTION!!!

  30. Anonymous9:10 PM

    Why was he just not content on banging his hot young wife and perhaps take it easy travelling the world?

    1. Anonymous1:19 AM

      He has no more money, everything is propped up by loans from the Russians.

  31. More like a "Warlock hunt" and we know the warlock they are hunting.


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