Monday, April 02, 2018

The White House Easter Bunny is all of us.

Trump also seemed to have trouble understanding what to call the White House.
(Hint: It is both the name and the description of the building.)

I do not know who is specifically in charge of choosing the costume for the White House Easter Bunny, but that whole "WTF is he saying?" expression this one wears while Trump blatantly lies about his administration's success, and stumbles around for the right word, is pure gold.

I did some checking and discovered that this is the same exact costume that the Easter Bunny wore for LAST year's White House Easter celebration.

People are also still wondering who Trump forced to wear the costume.

Last year everybody was pretty sure it was Spicey.
So who do we think did the honors this year?

My guess would be Eric Trump since nobody has even seen that guy in months, and he would probably do just about anything just to finally get noticed.


  1. Anonymous4:15 PM

    The economy, the military, *this* what little kids at an Easter egg roll want to hear about?

    I guarantee you, here is what they heard:

    "WhaWHAwhawhawhawhawhaaaaa..." A là Charlie Brown's teacher.

    preznidint Grabersnatch sure knows how to connect with the youth. NOT!

    He didn't even bother with his OWN kids until they could be of age to be useful to HIM!

    He even, according to lore, smacked Don Jr. so hard in front of his own friends at college that he fell to the ground! Just for not wearing a SUIT to a fekking BASEBALL GAME! How out of touch is *that*?!?

  2. Anonymous4:27 PM

    I bet it was Jared

    1. Anonymous8:23 AM

      He is Jewish. He doesn't hunt eggs or deal with Easter Bunnies.

  3. Anonymous4:30 PM

    Melania looks like she wants to choke Trump!!

    1. Anonymous5:27 PM

      Melania looks like an overdone corpse like she always does.

    2. Anonymous7:11 PM

      Remember what happened to Eva Peron's corpse?

      With the advances in science Melania may still be alive and just zombified to some suspended state. The experiments went wrong on poor Barron and he is not ready for prime time.

  4. Anonymous4:46 PM

    Not only do they need to lock up trump in the looney bin, but they definitely need to keep that sociopath away from children.

    Hopefully most of the children present were from Fox News and they are use to be terrorized by their parents lies.

    Again, the loon in the white house is totally inappropriate using an event for children to spread his hateful lies on Easter no less.

    Maybe that is why melanomia kept Barron away this year.

    1. Anonymous5:26 PM

      If Barron is autistic as rumored, no way would 'daddy' want to hang around him.

    2. Anonymous7:07 PM

      The young man does appear somewhat different if you watch him. Feel sorry for him, truthfully. Cannot imagine having the influence of Donald Trump around you - no matter how little attention he actually gets from him.

    3. Anonymous9:24 PM

      "Different" is a nice way of putting it. He's severely autistic and is probably fucked up in many different ways.

    4. Anonymous8:15 AM

      Barron is 10 or 11. He would have been on the balcony looking like a kid if he was not different. He is close to his maternal grandparents, they must have been there to share this special day with children. Were they visible?

      There is no shame in a family saying when a family member has a disease or condition. The shame is when they go secret. It is so very toxic and does not help the person they are ashamed of.

  5. Anonymous5:08 PM

    Trump is disgusting and causing dangerous harm to our children and adults. He is clearly a very hateful soul.

  6. Anonymous5:23 PM

    There is just no defending him anymore; I don't care how much Fox spins it. PLEASE make this stop.

  7. Anonymous5:33 PM

    What a fuckin’ moron!!

  8. Anonymous5:35 PM

    It’s not on behalf of the TRUMP family, you dumbass; you are a civil servant.

    1. Anonymous10:43 AM

      Lol. Don't lose your marbles Clarence.

      The President and any other politician is allowed to send out personal messages. Every President has.

  9. Anonymous5:45 PM

    Too short for Eric. John Kelly?

  10. Anonymous5:55 PM

  11. Anonymous6:09 PM

    "One person familiar with the situation who was not authorized to publicly comment said the boycott has not yet resulted in a significant financial hit.
    This person said no advertisers have pulled their dollars from the network but have simply moved from "The Ingraham Angle" to other programs on the Fox News schedule. Most of the advertisers are out because they want to avoid the controversy associated with the story and could revisit the situation in a few weeks after Ingraham returns."

  12. Anonymous6:17 PM

    Trump is such a ugly nasty boar.

  13. Anonymous6:57 PM

    It makes no sense that they would ban Barron Trump from the children's holiday. He's been living in DC for a year and attending a good school. I was looking forward to hearing him speak.

    Perhaps he speaks Slovenian and has an accent when he uses his second language, English. I understand he is mostly isolated, except for being with the grandparents who raise him. His school is known for diversity and they would embrace his preferred language.

    It is difficult to understand a mother that allows her child to be banned.

    1. Anonymous9:25 PM

      English is his first language along with Slovenian. He speaks Slovenian to his mother and grandparents.

    2. Anonymous12:30 AM

      Barron was there on the downlow. Not looking like a kid. More like a funeral director.

    3. Anonymous3:36 AM

      I saw photos of him at the event. Baron was not banned.

    4. Anonymous4:51 AM

      He's AUTISTIC.
      Poor child.
      Melania could speak for all families of autistic children.

    5. Anonymous1:11 PM

      Melania Trump has failed at everything since the FLOTUS job. Perhaps she would have the passion and care for something near and dear. Like an affliction that affects her son.

      Is it the father that won't allow her to do right by her son? They both are responsible for placing him in this position. They should have dealt with this before he was elected.

      Look at how grand it turned out for Sarah Palin to have an afflicted son. I am sure she would give Melania a few tips on how to work it.

      Trump is an idiot. Melania a fool and a bad, bad mother.

      Autism, or whatever it is, is not that rare and they have the benefit of a good school that would deal with it.

  14. Anonymous8:01 PM

    But they don't work

  15. Anonymous8:05 PM

    Kimmel had video of Porn Model reading some picture book to the her broken English accent. She never showed them the pictures, which is what we DO when we read with young kids...and at the end she said, "And now that is the end of the book." My God, and she's the 'smart' wife?

    1. Anonymous8:33 AM

      Kimmel also did the make america grate again spelling bee where the kids had to spell the words like trump.

      Never in the history of the USA have we had such an illiterate pres.

  16. Anonymous8:53 PM

  17. Anonymous9:36 PM

    Melania could just lunge headfirst over the balcony to end her nightmare. She didn't though.

  18. Anonymous3:54 AM

    And what on earth is wrong with the third wife? She stood there on the balcony with her angry, stony, stormy face. Didn't she want to spend time with the thousands of children who show up once each year to play games on the White House lawn? Was she worried that she'd miss a few pages of her favorite fashion magazine or miss a few minutes of Pilates? Even the youngest son was missing from the balcony during his father's nonsensical remarks about the White House and the US military. At the annual Easter Egg Roll??? The 45th president's family wins the prize for the quintessential dysfunctional family of the universe!

  19. Anonymous4:13 AM

    OT I met an outspoken Trump supporter. She was adamant that the firings in the Trump administration are Trump draining the swamp of all Obama people. The argument was that ambassadors were Obama appointees. She claimed White House employees under Trump were Obama staff and that Democrats are blocking 200 Trump picks. She declared CNN and MSNBC reports lies. She also said Bill and Hillary Clinton personally sold 20% uranium to Russia so people here can not get isotopes for treatment and Bill Clinton received 500k payment for a speech as a payoff. She praised Trump and his children for not taking a salary. Her husband nodded agreement throughout. They vehemently denied that Trump profits from his position and did not care about their travel cost expenses.

    They are thrilled with Trump and his family.

  20. Anonymous7:35 AM

    "In CONclusion, Trump sucks."
    that got posted on the wrong thread, ~IT~belongs here!


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