Saturday, December 10, 2005

Joe Lieberman slowly morphs into Zel Miller right before our eyes.

In the last few days, the senator has riled Democratic activists and politicians here and in his home state with his vigorous defense of President Bush's handling of the Iraq war at a time some Democrats are pressuring the administration to begin a withdrawal.

Mr. Lieberman particularly infuriated his colleagues when he pointed out at a conference here that President Bush would be commander in chief for three more years and said that "it's time for Democrats who distrust President Bush to acknowledge that."

"We undermine the president's credibility at our nation's peril," Mr. Lieberman said.

Mr. Lieberman does both his party and his country a disservice by supporting this criminal administration. Hopefully his constituents are paying close attention to how this is all unfolding.

It is time for Joe to go!

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