Friday, March 17, 2006

The cost of the Iraq war is not just the wasted lives, it is also an unbelievable amount of money.

The Pentagon is spending about $6 billion a month on the war in Iraq, or about $200 million a day, according to the CBO. That is about the same as the gross domestic product of Nigeria.

I have no idea about any of you but I am completely unable to wrap my mind around these numbers.

All I can do is wonder how much good this money could do if we spent it to help the people of this country? How many houses could we build for the people displaced by Katrina. How many homeless people could we feed? How long could we feed them? How much health care could we provide for the millions of us without coverage? How many schools, roads, parks, and public transit programs could we afford?

The money flowing to Iraq is coming out of our pockets today. We are losing services that we desperately need to pay for a war that none of us want. And the truly horrific part of all of this is that the cost is going to be passed on to those who did not even have the chance to vote against this guy, our children.

When did the people of Iraq become more important then our own children?

I feel much pain for the people of Iraq but do not make me choose between helping them and helping my child. They will always come in a distant second. If they are lucky.

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