Sunday, March 19, 2006

Here is a movie made by Liberals for Liberals that I will not be watching.

The above article is about Cindy Sheehan and her new life in the spotlight. The spotlight includes a movie being made about her starring Susan Sarandon. We all know that Susan Sarandon and her husband, Tim Robbins, are very active liberal activists.

Now I am a supporter of Cindy Sheehan and many of her anti-war activities. She did us all a huge service when she tried to confront King George at his ranch in Crawford. But she is in danger of becoming marginalized and ineffective. Cindy has been seduced by the spotlight and lost the humanity that made her story so compelling. Having Susan Sarandon portray her in a movie will further help to make her a caricature of herself and that will further diminish her.

It just seems that making this movie will be turning inward instead of continuing to bring our message to the "in-betweeners"( The people who are not too far to the left or too far to the right). These are the people who are still confused about what is going on. They are not going to watch this movie about the newest Liberal icon. But they might listen to the mother of a child killed in a war that they are not sure should have been waged.

I just think that Cindy remains so much more powerful when she stays one of us. The minute we see her on the television screen, wearing Susan Sarandon's face, she becomes too distant to relate to any longer.

Please stay real Cindy. We still have a lot of work to do.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous8:51 AM

    Have to disagree. The Robbins-Sarandon team took on the death penalty with their portrayal of that nun. I think they helped her cause tremendously & got regular people talking about it at least. If making a movie about Cindy helps reach people who otherwise turn away, I'm all for it. Caveat: has to be a hit or they've made it worse! (PS I LOVED your insinuations re Bush's tiny problem; it just kinda fits the facts, or maybe fixes facts around his little pud, whatever, you got me laughing) D.K.


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