Monday, April 24, 2006

Tommy Chong accuses Bush of being a Meth head. He must be high.

”If more people were stoned there would be less violence in the world,” Chong said.

You know I don't usually support drug use, but it is hard to argue with Tommy's logic here.

”I know Dick Cheney's Secret Service guys smoke pot,” Chong said. “The reason I know that is I sold them bongs.”

He insinuated that President Bush was on methamphetamines.

”The dangerous thing about tweakers is they can take things apart but they can't put them back together again,” Chong said. “That's what George Bush has done to this country.”

You know if this were ever proven to be true I want to be standing in the middle of a Fundamentalist Christian political rally when the news breaks. It could prove to be the happiest moment in my life.

"Oh what is wrong little Fundie-head you seem so sad? Did your president turn out to be a huge tweaker? Don't you wish you had the blow-job guy back?"

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