Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Who are you? Yeah the 32% of you who still support Bush. How stupid are you?

I have struggled with this question for years. I could give some of the more uneducated Americans the benefit of the doubt because stations like FOX news confused the issues and made it hard to identify the facts from all of the propaganda. But today there is just no more excuse. Even FOX News is unable to provide cover from the long list of lies and unethical, possibly criminal, behavior that is being revealed daily.

I find this next sentence particularly hard to fathom.

Asked whether "honest and trustworthy" describes the president, 40 percent said yes, down from 56 percent in a survey carried out April 1-2 last year.

So there are still 40% of my fellow countrymen who are avoiding reading the news and hiding in caves, only coming out to shop and participate in polls? How do you avoid learning just how horrible this president has become?

Since you are reading this maybe there is hope for you. Take a moment and read some of my posting from the past. If you don't like my style then go to the blogroll on the left and pick one of them. I am sorry, but we cannot afford for people to remain uneducated about what is happening in this country and the world. If you are easily overwhelmed then I apologize, but this is not just about you anymore. If you have children then think of them. What kind of a world do you want them to live in? Don't you want to do whatever it takes to make them safe?

If you truly love your children then I am confident you will do the right thing. And may I be the first to welcome you to the reality based community. We have been expecting you.


  1. That is my point! It hurts my damn head!

  2. Anonymous12:35 PM

    In a free & democratic country that claims to be the number one nation on earth, how do you explain the ignorance of 40% of the population. Where did these folks go to school? Isn't Education one of the priorities of the government? Has the dumbing of America happened only since Bush took office, or has it always been there? So many questions.

    Canadian Observer

  3. These are the one in three people who never question authority. They accept the my country right or wrong pledge. They trust that those in authority base their decisions on secrets that we cannot know. We all know people like this, or we did know them before we realized we didn't want to know them.
    Some are people who think that no matter how badly things are going with the Repubs, the Dems would be worse. Any attempt at discussion is immediately derailed with a yeah, but, somebody done somebody wrong, therefore I am fully justified in maintaining my uninformed opinions.
    We all know people like this. The best we can hope for is that they don't vote.


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.