Sunday, August 05, 2007

The other Republican candidates must just fucking hate Ron Paul!

Watch Mitch Romney try desperately to connect our war in Iraq with 9-11, while Ron Paul completely exposes the bullshit that our government is using to mollify the public.


  1. I'd go for a Kucinich/Paul ticket or a Paul/Kucinich ticket. They are the only two people on either side who are telling it like it is.

    I noticed Mitt the Dipstick still trying to invoke 9/11 with Iraq. What a loser.

  2. Do you know that Ron Paul is the top search on Technorati?

    Interesting no?

  3. He is also the most requested Repug Speaker....OF all of them...we watched and he rocked it...( and I never watch Repug debates- but he made it interesting..)

    ( Mitt the dipstick???too funny)


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.