Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Breaking news: John Edwards may be dropping out!

I am watching "Morning Joe" and they have just received word from reporter Chuck Todd that John Edwards is giving a speech later and may be dropping out of the Presidential race.

I feel very bad for John who may truly be the best qualified candidate.

However I still remain hopeful that Obama will offer Edwards the Vice Presidency and that Edwards will take it.

Update: David Shuster just brought up the fact that Edwards may be asked to be Obama's running mate. Fingers crossed people.

The talking heads on MSNBC are saying that this will benefit Hillary, but I don't see that. Edwards was a candidate for change, like Obama. If he leaves, and endorses Barack, it will dramatically help Obama.

1 comment:

  1. He is "suspending " his 1PM at NOLA.....

    great sadness..


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