Friday, February 01, 2008

Cyberspace hates the Godless.

It isn't easy being godless online.

For the third time in three years, what may be the largest group of organized atheists in the world is struggling to stay on MySpace, said a Cleveland State University assistant professor who founded the site for nonbelievers.

MySpace deleted the 35,000-member "Atheist and Agnostic Group" on Jan. 1, a little more than a month after hackers broke in and renamed the group's site "Jesus Is Love," Bryan Pesta said Wednesday.

MySpace has ignored repeated requests to restore the group's site, including an online petition with more than 500 signatures, said Pesta, who was the group's moderator.

Just proving there is freedom OF religion in this country but no freedom FROM religion in this country.

Having said that I find the "Jesus Is Love" prank kind of funny.

It has always caused me much confusion that adherents of a religion will feign respect for an opposing religion that has absolutely nothing in common with it, but cannot abide any individual who refuses to accept the truth of ANY religion.

I will just never understand. And such is my burden.

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