Monday, February 04, 2008

Democratic groundswell favors Obama.

Democratic Sen. Hillary Clinton is losing ground to Sen. Barack Obama in a national CNN/Opinion Research Corp. poll released on the eve of critical Super Tuesday presidential primaries and caucuses.

The two are virtually tied in Monday's survey, which shows the New York senator has lost a comfortable national lead she's held for months over Obama and other rivals.

Obama, who trounced Clinton in January's South Carolina primary, garnered 49 percent of registered Democrats in Monday's poll, while Clinton trailed by just three points, a gap well within the survey's 4.5 percentage point margin of error.

"Coming out of his overwhelming victory in South Carolina and followed quickly by his Kennedy family endorsements, Obama clearly has the momentum in this campaign," said Bill Schneider, CNN's senior political analyst.

We are standing in the presence of a history making campaign.

I encourage anybody whose state is involved in tomorrow's Super Tuesday to get involved and make their voice heard. It is a moment that should not be missed.

I will be caucusing and bringing my camera so that I can post some pictures to help illustrate how diverse the Obama support is in my state. My historically Republican state.

And the endorsements keep rolling in, as evidenced by this and of course this.


  1. I attended the Obama speech in Boise Idaho over the weekend and thought he did a great job. My feeling coming away from the speech was that if Obama is running against McCain I will vote for Obama, if Clinton is running against McCain I will vote for McCain. I would prefer to vote for Obama. I still don't understand how the polls show Clinton and Obama in a virtual tie. No one I talk to is pro Clinton.

  2. Anonymous12:13 PM

    Check This Out I was undecided until this

  3. Thanks for your comments mtnbiker, I appreciate hearing how others are perceiving this presidential race and its candidates.

    I agree that the pols do not seem to accurately reflect what is clearly happening in the Obama campaign. I also have seen very little support for Hillary out here in the real world.


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