Monday, February 04, 2008

Since the surge was temporarily able to reduce violence in Iraq and allow Americans to feel victorious why not try that same strategy in Afghanistan?

The conservative Washington think tank that devised the “surge” of US forces in Iraq has come up with a plan to send 12,000 more American troops into southern Afghanistan.

A panel of more than 20 experts convened by the American Enterprise Institute (AEI) has also urged the administration to get tough with Pakistan.

The US should threaten to attack Taliban and Al-Qaeda fighters in lawless areas on the border with Afghanistan if the Pakistan military did not deal with them itself, the panel concluded.

We need a President who either knows what the hell he is doing or is better at picking “experts” to tell him.

These guys are a joke! The solution to every problem is to send more military, they apparently have no fall back position.

I guess this so called “think tank” is not thinking enough about the fact that we don’t have any more troops to send out to do an Afghanistan surge. The only soldiers available have already pulled three or four rotations in Iraq. Are we then gong to ask them to do the same service in Afghanistan and Pakistan?

I sometimes wonder if the goal of this administration is to defeat the enemy combatants or to defeat the American combatants! Do we just keep sending these young men and women until we have used them all up?

The definition of insanity is to do the same thing over and over expecting a different result. In that case George Bush, John McCain, and perhaps the entirety of the Republican Party are certifiable.

Can we just have the election now please? Before we find ourselves fighting two or three more wars?

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