Saturday, March 29, 2008

Coming soon to a school library near you, "My Mommy is a Boy". I can just hear the Christian fundamentalists salivating right now.

Figuring out that he was transgender and making the decision to take hormones to transition his body from female to male was difficult for Jace Martinez. But figuring out how to tell his 5-year-old daughter, he says, was "really a challenge."

So Jace, 23, decided to write a picture book, simply titled "My Mommy Is a Boy."

Written from his daughter Amaya's perspective, the self-published book, intended for an audience of one, explains Jace's feelings and his decision to change his name, wear men's clothes and begin taking testosterone to change the appearance of his body.

"Mommy told me in her heart she always felt like a boy and being a girl always made her sad," he writes in the book. "Mommy likes to wear boy's [sic] clothes and cut her hair really short," reads the text under a magic-marker drawing of a short-haired Jace in a barber's chair. "Sometimes kids ask if she is my Daddy."

Okay I was joking. This book is not going to show up in a school library.

But it does illustrate that the world of children has definitely changed. No longer is the nuclear family, with a dad that works and a mommy that stays home, the norm. Now we have single parents, step-parents, gay parents, bi-racial parents, working moms with stay at home dads, and every other conceivable combination of parenting imaginable.

Whether we think it is good for the children or not, it is the reality that they are facing.

Personally I think that letting children know how much diversity there is in the world, even at a young age, is a good thing. The discussion does not have to get graphic but it should serve to let the children develop an open mind and an accepting heart.

And I should know. I was the product of divorce, raised by a single mother, who went on to be a single parent, a step-parent, and a foster parent.

Hey, maybe I should write a book!



    The world is upside down! We need to bring back Lawrence Welk and Frank and Dino and detention.

    Boys luvin' boys, girls luvin' girls, blacks and whites doin' the nasty.


  2. shit the World is changin' and here I am stuck in friggin' Ohio.....

    Biblethumpin Ohio.....


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.