Sunday, April 06, 2008

Mark Penn is out. Sadly Hillary is still in.

Hillary Clinton has replaced the longtime chief strategist of her presidential campaign, Mark Penn, after it was disclosed that he was working with Colombia's government to help win congressional approval of a trade pact that she opposes.

In a statement, campaign manager Maggie Williams said that "after the events of the last few days, Mark Penn asked to give up his role as chief strategist." But Clinton campaign advisers made clear that he was all but forced out for what Mr. Penn on Friday conceded was "an error in judgment."

The Hillary campaign will now use this as an example of how they are going to be a more upbeat and use less negative campaign strategies. But we all know that will only last until Hillary's poll numbers dip again.

This was never about Mark Penn. It is about Hillary.

1 comment:

  1. well, we were"told" by a terse little press release by Maggie Williams that he is out - BUT we have heard Nothing from Hill about this..

    she should have issued Some Sort of Statement last week- this is a HUGE mess...which the Media has been very delicate a cat in a room full of rockers.....

    More should have been said about him and his company....and his union busting past...


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