Wednesday, April 09, 2008

Our tax dollars have been used by federal employees to buy steak dinners, internet dating, and to purchase lingerie.

Federal employees used government credit cards to pay for lingerie, gambling, iPods, Internet dating services, and a $13,000 steak-and-liquor dinner, according to a new audit from the Government Accountability Office, which found widespread abuses in a purchasing program meant to improve bureaucratic efficiency.

The study, released by Senate lawmakers yesterday, found that nearly half the "purchase card" transactions it examined were improper, either because they were not authorized correctly or because they did not meet requirements for the cards' use. The overall rate of problems "is unacceptably high," the audit found.

And here you thought they were wasting your hard earned tax dollars on frivolous things!

The real problem is that the Bush administration has removed almost all of the oversights that were put in place previously to keep this very thing from happening. Opening up the possibility for incredible misuse and fraud.

For some reason the Bush administration is just not big on accountability. I am not sure why.


  1. 13,000 dinner?????
    that is rent for for a year....


  2. Anonymous3:57 AM

    This is news? My money has been funneled to this kind of shit for years, just through Halliburton pockets first.



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It just goes directly to their thighs.