Thursday, May 22, 2008

Alaska Governor Sarah Palin finally shows her true colors, deep dark Republican RED!

The state of Alaska will sue the U.S. government to stop the listing of the polar bear as a threatened species, arguing the designation will slow development in the state, Gov. Sarah Palin said on Wednesday.

Palin said the state will file a lawsuit in U.S. District Court in Washington challenging U.S. Interior Secretary Dirk Kempthorne's decision to grant Endangered Species Act protections to the polar bear.

The Republican governor has argued that the ice-dependent polar bear, the first mammal granted Endangered Species Act listing because of global warming, does not need additional protections.

"We believe that the listing was unwarranted and that it's unprecedented to list a currently healthy population based on uncertain climate models," said Alaska Assistant Attorney General Steven Daugherty.

The Bush administration and the Republicans have been defying the legitimacy of the scientific findings on Climate Change in a desperate attempt to continue drilling for oil and sending carbon emissions into the atmosphere until they have completely devastated this planet. Who cares about the future when there is money to be made today?

I had thought, and hoped, that Governor Palin was cut from a different cloth then most Republicans and would recognize that our greedy pillaging of this planet was short sighted and ultimately disastrous. But I gave her too much credit.

In the end she is an acolyte of the oil companies and will do their bidding even to the very destruction of the creatures that reside in her beautiful state.

Alaska has so much more to offer then just oil and gas, we have other resources at our disposal which do not require punching gigantic holes in our tundra and upsetting the delicate ecological balance that we are currently watching crumble before our very eyes.

Palin may be a slight improvement over the usual Republican assholes that have traded our resources for political favors and lobbyist paid junkets to exotic resorts, but even her kicky hairstyles and attractive features cannot long hide the criminal arrogance that defines the Republican politicians in this state.


  1. Yes, I was really pissed off when I read that this morning. Who gives a damn about anything except for money and oil? I was unsurprised considering that she opposed it from the very beginning. The Republicans are going to totally ruin the planet in their hunger for more money.

  2. Hey Gryphen,

    I think you might like to read this post by energy expert A. Siegel on the current push by Alaska GOP for funding for anti-global warming research over at Energy Smart

  3. stunning..what the hell is wrong with her...does she really feel this way???

  4. Anonymous3:27 PM

    Sarah Palin-Chavez is a disastrous governor.


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