Thursday, May 22, 2008

Karl Rove subpoenad!

Today, House Judiciary Committee Chairman John Conyers, Jr. (D-MI) issued a subpoena to former White House Deputy Chief of Staff Karl Rove for testimony about the politicization of the Department of Justice (DOJ), including former Alabama Governor Don Siegelman’s case. Yesterday, Rove’s attorney, Robert Luskin, sent a letter to the Committee expressing that Rove would not agree to testify voluntarily, per the Committee’s previous requests.

“It is unfortunate that Mr. Rove has failed to cooperate with our requests,” Conyers said. “Although he does not seem the least bit hesitant to discuss these very issues weekly on cable television and in the print news media, Mr. Rove and his attorney have apparently concluded that a public hearing room would not be appropriate. Unfortunately, I have no choice today but to compel his testimony on these very important matters.”

The only thing that would make me happier then seeing Karl Rove forced to testify under oath would be seeing either Dick Cheney or George Bush sitting uncomfortably in the witness chair in a criminal court.

John Conyers is a great American who never fails to speak truth to power.


  1. finally he gets supoenaed ..FINALLY...phew...

  2. Anonymous3:50 AM

    If you think this will actually change anything you need to up your meds.

  3. Nothing wrong with hoping for a little late served juctice...

    Anyways....Rove might actually have to face some consequences...will it happen ? I don't know but come July 10th I will be watching to see what happens- I would love to see him sitting in the basment held for contempt...that would rock...

  4. That idea of "upping my meds" is not too bad though.

  5. Anonymous11:55 AM

    "That idea of "upping my meds" is not too bad though."

    Mine comes in a six pack with a picture of Sam Adams on the label. :)

    "I don't know but come July 10th I will be watching to see what happens"
    He will ignore it just as Cheney has done repeatedly. Just as Harriet Myers has done per Bush's direction. This is the New America, where we don't need no stinkin' subpoenas!

  6. I've lost confidence in Conyers. He's reminding me of a dem version of Spector. Hope I'm wrong.


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