Thursday, May 22, 2008

Civilian casualties continue to rise while America occupies Iraq.

Eight civilians have been killed in an air strike by US military helicopters north of Baghdad, Iraqi police say.

Two children were among those who died in the attack on Wednesday evening near the town of Baiji, the police said.

Baiji's police chief said the attack targeted a group of shepherds in a farming area. The US military said the incident was under investigation.

In other violence, an Iraqi TV cameraman is reported to have been shot dead in crossfire in Baghdad.

A US military spokeswoman, Lt Col Maura Gillen, said one of its helicopters fired in the Baiji area after noting "suspicious activity", and she said people travelling in a car had ignored warnings to stop their vehicle.

Locals said some of those killed had been people running away on foot after the US forces entered the area.

A local man, Ghafil Rashed, told Reuters that his brother and son had been killed in the attack:

"The Americans raided our houses... People started fleeing with their children, then the aircraft started bombing people in a street along the farm."

So long as the Republicans continue their illegal occupation of Iraq we will see our soldiers murdering civilians and terrorizing innocent Iraqi's as their mission becomes less defined and paranoia permeates their every action.

I am not suggesting that these soldiers do not have anything to fear, because they certainly do, but what I am saying is that as long as they keep killing innocent people the danger to them will continue to grow.

This is the difference between our occupation of Iraq and our military presence in Germany, or Japan, or Korea. In those countries we are not using our weapons on unarmed civilians.

If John McCain is too ignorant to understand that then he has no business even being considered for the highest office in the land.

1 comment:

Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.