Thursday, May 15, 2008

California welcomes gay marriage. Yeah I was surprised they weren't already doing this too.

California's Supreme Court declared gay couples in the nation's biggest state can marry - a monumental but perhaps short-lived victory for the gay rights movement Thursday that was greeted with tears, hugs, kisses and at least one instant proposal of matrimony.

Same-sex couples could tie the knot in as little as a month. But the window could close soon after - religious and social conservatives are pressing to put a constitutional amendment on the ballot in November that would undo the Supreme Court ruling and ban gay marriage.

I also heard that Governor Schwarzenegger will not support the amendment to defeat this law which I think means they will have no hope of passing it.

I am not a supporter of this. No not because I don't want homosexuals to have the same rights as those of us who like the opposite gender. I am just not a supporter of marriage.

I would not wish it on my worst enemy.

But having said that I guess we should allow the gay community to go through the same pain and suffering, and loss of half of their belongings, that the rest of us have had to go through.

I guess that is only fair.


  1. hmmmm, I see we have a slightly similar take on it. YOU just don't like marriage! I believe if everyone had to go through what is involved in a legal civil union, we would see far fewer marriages. If everyone was forced by law to consider all consequences, to spell out the legal nature of the partnership being created, the exact distribution of assets & provision for splitting them if necessary ... well, for one thing, divorce lawyers would be out of biz. It really should not be so easy as paying $XX for a marriage license, as 50% of couples find out every day. That's my 2-cents. But hey, if a couple wants to take the marriage shortcut, they should just sign an irrevocable 5-yr contract, renewable only if both parties agree. OK, I know that doesn't account for children. I knew there was a reason why I am not on the Supreme Court!

  2. Now where can I get one of those Tshirts you mentioned at Christopher's the Subjugation of Warrior Men shirts ?

    ( as a present for someone that I know...ahem...)

    wonderful news...amazing really and AND it can't and won't be overturned....( boy the Repukes are having such a crappyass week aren't they?)

  3. Anonymous2:16 PM

    If you're getting t-shirts made, you might want some gay stamps to go out with your mail. I made some stamps and they were censored, you can read about it on my blog if you'd like. They did however finally approve 2 designs. Do they realize that we may claim them as our own?


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It just goes directly to their thighs.