Friday, October 03, 2008

The dark side has an ENTIRELY different take on last nights VP debate.

Okay now I am aware that this is just FOX News and therefore a journalistic joke, and that Frank Lutz has the credibility of a carnival barker, but my point in posting this is how Sarah Palin gave them a performance just good enough for them to run with it.

And Joe Biden could not call her on her bullshit because of her coquettish approach to the debate. He would have looked like a bully and he knew it.

So since Biden was biting his tongue Sarah got to skate through another debate just like her Gubernatorial debate in 2006, which allows the rabid Right Wing to call it a win for her.

Can't imagine such a thing? Then meet the boneheads at Little Green Footballs, and at Power line, and the crazy ass self loathing Michelle Malkin, and from the man who may be the most responsible for Sarah Palin being on the ticket, we have this from Rush Limbaugh.

There are many others but this is a fairly good sampling of how these Right Wing soldiers have received just enough from Sarah to start talking about media bias, and medai filters, and garbage like that to explain how Palin could look so incompetent while talking to Katie Couric and appear much more competent during the debate.

For George Bush the mainstream media lowered the bar of expectations to limbo height so that he could get over it, for Sarah Palin they buried it in the sand.


  1. eh, that's their job. Fuck 'em!

    I prefer to keep posting the actual performance ad nauseum. I'm not seeing nearly as much pro=palin comments as before. These pundits are desperately trying to make the race not over and it SO is.

    Biden kicked Palin's ass and there's not much else to it.

  2. You have convinced me.

    See the post above this one.

  3. Anonymous4:42 PM

    I noted her amazing ability to skate some time ago. Seeing Sarahpoleon makes me think Anna Nicole might still be alive, if only she'd chosen the "right" career path.

  4. Anonymous11:04 PM

    Watched the local news of Palin's Joe Sixpack fund raiser in Dallas starting at 1K per plate minimum, and 56K for 3 pictures with the beauty queen.

    Actually, the Joe Sixpacks were out on the street blocks away and didn't even get a wave from their Saint Sarah. When she's lap-dancing in the champagne room for T Boone Pickens, no way is she spending time at the bar for dollar bills with beer bellied Joe.

    What's amazing, for Texas , is that there was just as big a group of protestors across the street.

    Both sides of the street were mostly women. You had the Bible thumpin, prim & proper on one side with their signs of "God Sent Sarah," and "Sarah, the Return of Ester," just swooning with that rapture-orgasm look on their faces, yelling "I love you Sarah.

    The other side of the street was "Palin Lies," and "8 is Enough." One woman grabbed the microphone and exclaimed that Palin is a bigger liar than Bush.

    I, myself, was praying for the barricades to come down to witness a cat-fight extraordinaire. Bras and bibles in the air everywhere, hair pulling, thongs snappin, you-liberal-bitch this, and f_ckin-church-lady that.

    But, my prayers were not to be answered this time.

  5. anonymous: LOL!! Too damn much, that's awesome. I'm so glad there was such a big protest showing!

    Rapturous church ladies! They love Mooselini 'cause she's just like them!

    What idiots. Hilarious.

  6. Anonymous10:28 AM

    Now that the debate is over, the media has been picking through Palin's performance and it ain't good...

    Regardless, there is a portion of female Americans that do identify with Sarah Palin simply because she justifies their beliefs. Many women I know (family, friends, and neighbors) who vote Republican do so because their husbands, preachers, or religions tell them to. They do not read the paper, watch ANY news, or form opinions on their own. Their lives are safe, warm, and most of them do not have to or do not want to work. I applaud stay at home moms, I did it for four years with my own children, and now work two part time jobs so I can be home when they get home from school, and take them to their activities. My husband often works six days a week and another job in the evenings to allow me to be able to do this for them.

    I live in Northern Virginia, and proudly display Obama and our Virginia democratic ticket campaign signs in my front yard. The other day, one of my aforementioned neighbor's children told my 10 year old son that his family votes for McCain because Obama "is for gay marraige". That was it. With two wars, an economy in ruins, and our standing in the world greatly diminished, gay marraige is the only topic on these peoples' minds??

    After my son told me this is I was more sad than angry. Sad that such bigotry and hatred still exists in our country, and right across the street from our home. Sad that this attitude gets justfied in the name of religion.Sad that this bigotry and hatred gets passed to to another generation. Sad that some people do not even care about war, soldiers losing their lives, or a looming recession.

    What I told my son was that 50 years ago, the same types of people would have condemned my marraige to his father because we are an interracial family. My son had a typical ten year old response, "why should anyone care who you marry, as long as they are a good person?"...exactly my point, but my son figured it out himself....

  7. The irony here is that Obama does not support Gay Marriage. HE supports civil unions. At least as far as I know!

  8. Anonymous12:42 PM

    Absolutely, Helen...if my neighbor would have bothered to inform herself she would know that.

    These last 8 years of a Bush theocracy have given the Christian right a national voice to further their extreme agendas. We see now how great that has worked out...

    Bill Maher said it best...if there was videotape of Obama getting blessed by an African witch doctor/pastor, this election would be over, but somehow because its Sarah Palin, its ok. McCain has done one thing very effectively in this campaign...he has proven that the religious right will vote for ANYONE that agrees with their agenda, no matter how qualified, how intelligent, or how good your command of the English language is, you just have to be one of them. You can lie, backstab, and make a fool of yourself on national television, and make a mockery of the office of vice president of the United States.

  9. fgwhite, yes, that is pretty pathetic, not even knowing the platform but only ever voting for the candidate you think is on god's side... the vengeful, bigotted, racist god they believe in, that is.

    Bill Maher was 100% correct. Not only that, but if Obama had a knocked up 17 year old daughter, that would have been the end of it.

  10. OR if one of Obama's adorable lil' daughters were photographed FLIPPING someone OFF! Holy shit....

    Apple doesn't fall far from the tree.

  11. Anonymous6:15 AM

    When was this picture of Piper taken? Is this from yeaterday??

  12. I have no idea! It has to be fairly recent, I think. She looks the same age & you know how fast kids grow.

  13. It's a fake.

    AKM posted it over at Mudflats without knowing. It has now been taken off.

  14. How did they do it? It doesn't look photoshopped at all. Then again, I've done photoshop work that looks legit.

    It certainly did border on the ridiculous.


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