Friday, October 03, 2008

Top Ten Reasons why it is imperative for the Troopergate report compiled by Stephen Branchflower to be made public

Number 8: If it doesn’t come out then what will Alaska Progressive bloggers write about all weekend?

I am having a little fun with this subject right now but don't let anybody think that I am not dead serious about this report being made public and Alaskans getting the opportunity to finally see the truth behind the "Troopergate" investigation.

We are still calling our vigil the "Countdown to Truth" and the truth is exactly what we are expecting to learn.

The McCain/Palin campaign is pulling out the stops to get this investigation postponed or thrown out and they have been stymied at every turn. Welcome to Alaska bitchez!


  1. Americans aren't the only ones pulling for an Obama win:
    England for Obama with a very nice header graphic.
    Voices without Votes is a site linking to bloggers worldwide. It is interesting to know what others in the world think of us.
    Read some of the blog entries and you'll have more foreign policy experience than Palin.

  2. Anonymous2:03 PM

    Someone should explain to Talis that his "clients" are ALL the people of Alaska, not just Palin cronies & her family.

  3. I dated a Russian girl once so I already have more foreign policy experience then Palin.

  4. And thanks for the links Lynne.

    I will visit them.


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