Friday, October 17, 2008

Has John McCain lost his mind?

As you watch this video is seems apparent that John McCain thinks that revealing that Joe the Plumber is not really a plumber, or that he does not make enough money to pay higher taxes under Barack Obama's tax plan, or that he has failed to pay taxes in the past, is some kind of attack.

It is not. It is called journalism.

McCain also seems to think that these facts were uncovered by Barack Obama and his campaign.
But unless the Drudge Report, CNN, MSNBC, Fox News, and numerous independent bloggers are all working for the Obama campaign then that is simply false.

John McCain MUST know that.

So has he lost his mind? Or is he just hoping that the people listening to his speeches are stupid?

I hope it is the second one, because I watched that video from the Alfred E. Smith Memorial Dinner and I kind of got a warm and fuzzy feeling from Senator McCain. He seemed almost....well...human.

But then he turns around this morning and starts talking like the John McCain we have some to know and loathe during this campaign cycle. He is angry, he is duplicitous, and he is erratic.

So either John McCain has lost his freaking mind or he simply does not believe his audience is aware of his inconsistencies.

And do you remember during the debate when John McCain said he "does not care about some old washed up terrorist"? Well then how does he explain these new robo-calls?

So what do you think? Crazy or surrounded by ignorant supporters? Or perhaps both?


  1. did you happen to hear Palin call upon Obama to release all communications between him/his campaign and ACORN?!? is she effing insane? uh,'re charging $15 MILLION for your communications. you show me yours, i'll show you mine. her campaign handlers need to sit her down in front of the news a bit more often so she can see what she's been up to and the level of hypocrazy (purposely misspelled). it's sufficating.

  2. "Or is he just hoping that the people listening to his speeches are stupid?"

    of course he hopes people are that stupid -- he picked Palin, didn't he?...:)

    as for losing his mind, I believe he has pre-dementia. I blogged about why I believe he has p-d.

  3. Anonymous7:43 PM

    Check out this cartoon on McCain/Plumber.

  4. Anonymous8:05 PM

    Tis the first signs of dementia poking their ugly heads out. There will be more of this to come - McCain is heading towards senility.


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