Friday, October 17, 2008

Oh I wish I could have been in Washington today!

Stevens was crossed examined today at his corruption trial.

Like I predicted he was combative and argumentative.

However the best exchange of the day had to have been this one:

"Aren't these e-mails really what you're doing, you're covering your bottom?" asked Brenda Morris, the lead Justice Department prosecutor on his case, asking Stevens about how he handled a 2004 press inquiry into who paid for his renovations.

"My bottom wasn't bare," Stevens snapped back.

That is a classic Uncle Ted response.

There were a number of others, but none quite as good as that one.

After today I am guessing the jurors are going to be far less sympathetic then they might have been if he had fought his desire to take the stand. Ted Stevens is his own worst enemy.

1 comment:

  1. oh I hope he was wearing his HULK tie...always so watching a six year old have a stinking fit at a birthday party...


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It just goes directly to their thighs.