Monday, October 13, 2008

Here is an interesting tidbit from the Alaska Ear, a gossipy little feature in the Anchorage Daily News on Sundays.

REST OF THE STORY ... Ear mentioned a few weeks ago that reporter Amanda Coyne originally had the contract for the Sarah book that's now No. 3 on the N.Y. Times best seller list. Blogger Andromeda Romano-Lax asked Amanda why she decided not to do the book.

"She hadn't traveled. She couldn't name her favorite book. She doesn't struggle with any kind of the big issues of the day. She has not experienced anything like adversity. It took her five colleges to get a journalism degree. Her mother didn't know who Sarah's idols were. She also didn't know how she became the kind of born-again Christian she says she is. She couldn't remember Sarah having interest in public policy, or in reformist movements, or in anything, much, except for sports. Both Sarah and her family are obsessed with Trooper Wooten."

Now isn't that an interesting bit of information in light of what we now know of Sarah Palin and her family?

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous1:24 PM

    For those enterprising Alaskans, I would think establishing a "tour of the stars" type bed and breakfast will make a killing.

    Tourism is going to go crazy. You got this titillating soap opera family running the gambit of sex, drugs, religion, and politics.

    The word is out that Alaska will be the waypoint for the Rapture. People will be scoping-out time-shares to get them through the tribulation.

    I mean, just renting binoculars to get a look-see of Putin and Russia could net you a small fortune.

    There is probably hordes of unemployed real estate agents and prosperity evangelicals heading Into the Wild right now.

    At the very least, you can make some change just following Wooten around.

    Good luck Alaskans. It's your turn to cash-in on the Sarah & Todd Reality Show.


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