Monday, October 13, 2008

McCain is hoping for a knockout in the next debate to turn the tide. McCain's Alzheimer's seems to have erased his memory of the first two.

"We're going to spend a lot of time and after I whip his you-know-what in this debate, we're going to be going out 24/7," McCain said of Democratic rival Barack Obama.

You know the only thing that has even kept McCain in this race is the fact they have not had a REAL debate.

The first debate between Obama and McCain was filled with instances where Barack took it easy on him and simply looked competent, and Obama won.

Then they had the VP debate where Sarah Palin refused to answer the questions, and Joe Biden won.

The we had the so-called "town hall" debate format that John McCain has been begging for since this campaign started, and he lost decisively there as well.

So what exactly does John McCain think is going to happen differently in the next debate?

Is McCain suddenly going to understand the economy and how to fix it?

Is he going to stop shuffling around the stage like an overly medicated mental patient?

Is he going to stop using his past POW status as an excuse for everything?

No what is going to happen is that John McCain is going to lose. He will be treated with respect by Barack Obama, but he will lose to Barack Obama. And if he tries to use some of these attacks that his campaign has adopted lately, he will lose to Barack Obama decisively!


  1. Whenever they have the debates, each side says they won. However, Obama stays cool and calm and on message. I want someone with a brain this time. We have had stupid for 8 years now. Stupid hasn't done so well.

  2. Yup. You can't fix stupid.


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