Thursday, October 16, 2008

John McCain and Barack Obama take comedic jabs at each other during the Alfred E. Smith Memorial dinner.

This is a very pleasant oasis of civility that has arisen during this contentious and passionate Presidential campaign.

John McCain is VERY funny! And if I had only seen this side of him I might be having a hard time voting against him. His pleasant words to Senator Obama are so kind I almost choked up.

Obama is good as well and his comments toward his rival are also very funny and very respectful.

Do yourself a favor and watch the whole thing, it will make your night.

P.S. Don't tell anybody but I actually think McCain won this one. Unfortunately for McCain I am looking for a leader in this election, and not a comedian.


  1. Anonymous8:29 PM

    It scares me a little bit that you said you'd have a hard time voting against him cuz he was funny. However, I was able to appreciate that McLame is better at the roast-type-stuff than Obama, who was funny but looked very uncomfortable (which I liked! That room was full of rich illuminati!! I am glad he wasn't comfy!)

    Catholic rich folk showing their power is just kinda bizarre to me.

  2. Anonymous9:09 PM

    What a difference between McCain among his peers and McCain in public...too bad. Not that I like his politics, but he seems so stilted and obtuse campaigning - and sort of likable during that speech. I wonder why the difference is so great.

  3. Well remember Helen I said if ALL I knew about him was what he showed in this video I would have hard time voting against him. And it was not so much his funny side, which I did appreciate, but rather the warm words he spoke to Obama.

    If he had shown this level of respect toward Barack during the debate his poll numbers would definitely be better.

    And yes I know the words were written for him, but the delivery appeared heartfelt.

  4. I did get misty-eyed. It made me a bit sad. He is so far from the John McCain who I voted for and emailed (YES! I sent him an email!) regularly about my concerns for education in his home state. Such a sad, sad loss of a once honorable spirit.

  5. Anonymous11:12 PM

    WOW!!!! Dad how did you miss all the signs. He is so manipulative, everything he says is condesending. The way he talks about how far the african american race has come over the years as if to smile and say haha good job. Not in a nice way but to remind all southerners that Oh yeah he's still black.

    The entire time he was talking IT WAS JUST LIKE MOM

    we need to talk!

  6. Anonymous11:20 AM

    It's not that mccain is funnier, he probably just worked a little more with the lines and timing. it seemed like it was the firt time obama read that. he looked at the paper a lot.

    I think there is a little good in mccain still left, not nearly enough to like him again, but a little.


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