Thursday, October 16, 2008

Ted Stevens testified in his corruption trial today.

Sen. Ted Stevens took the stand in his corruption trial Thursday afternoon and denied that he filed false financial forms with the Senate.

The bulk of the money that Stevens is accused of trying to hide is related to a major renovation at the Stevens family chalet, located a block from a ski slope in Girdwood, Alaska, about 40 miles from Anchorage.

Stevens testified that he believed the Senate financial forms he signed were accurate and truthful.

Asked by his defense attorney whether he intended to file a false statement, Stevens replied, "No, I did not."!!!! (Exclamation marks mine)

I don't actually KNOW that Ted Stevens bellowed his answer at the prosecutors. But I have heard how Uncle Ted answers questions he does not like and he ALWAYS yells, so it is a pretty good guess.


  1. Anonymous5:32 PM

    Dera Mr Gryphen:

    I know that this thread is about Senator Ted Stevens. Sorry to interrupt. I thought you might find this interesting:

    May Keith or Rachel would enjoy it.

  2. dear MrGryphen....

    Anony left you a little gift...I am going to go look it up- I am more than curious now....

    anyways...Unca teddy had a bad day ...oh booooohoooo....don;t ya wish you could just be a little fly on the wall ???



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It just goes directly to their thighs.