Saturday, October 18, 2008

Minnesota Rep. Michelle Bachmann attempts to start a witch hunt to find the Anti-American politicians in our government.

It is now obvious that when the Right Wing talks about Obama not "coming clean" about his associations, the definition for them is that he has not admitted some non-existent criminal or anti-American activity.

It is like when John McCain kept saying that Barack Obama had not "repudiated" the statements by Congressman Lewis when he compared McCain to George Wallace's race baiting speeches. In fact Obama did come out immediately and condemned that kind of speech. But since he did not use the actually word "repudiate" it did not count in John McCain's eyes.

But this revival of the kind of McCarthyism that ripped this country apart in the 1950's is completely indefensible! Rep. Bachmann's incendiary claims that many Americans and their Representatives are "un-America" is beyond dangerous and could cause long term harm to our nation and how it governs itself or presents itself to the world.

The idea that everything American is right and every other nation is wrong is how a country becomes a hot bed of rampant nationalism that could erupt into a kind of Nazism. The ramifications of that could destroy what is left of this great country.

All we have to do to fight this kind of hateful speech is to make sure to cast our votes on November 4th. That is unless you can vote now, in which case what are you waiting for?

Update: If you want to sign a petition to censure the hateful Michelle Bachmann, just click here. And a hat tip to my commenter Tee for bringing this petition to my attention.


  1. I just love how she's pissed people off so bad that her opponent is now getting campaign contributions from people who don't even live in Minnesota!

  2. Anonymous7:26 AM

    Send money to her opponents campaign here:

    Here's a petition to ask congress to censure her:

    They already have over 10,000 signatures.

  3. I've signed and shared via twitter. Thanks for the link.

  4. Anonymous5:11 PM

    It's now being reported that her opponent, El Tinklenberg, has raised $500,000 from her comments. He's within 4 points in the most recent polls, with about 15% undecided.

    I live in her district, and if you want any more information on her just google "dump Bachmann". She's a lot like Palin. Once people around her found about about Palin's biography, we started calling Palin "Alaska's Bachmann" When Bachmann heard about it she thought it was a compliment.

    Thanks for your great blog Gryphen. Thanks for posting the video of Bachmann....maybe Tinklenberg will get more donations because of it.

  5. I would be thrilled if I helped even a little bit.

    What a vile woman.


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