Friday, October 17, 2008

Second Palin ethics investigation gets confidential records from first ethics investigation.

A legislative panel agreed Thursday to share confidential personnel records with the lawyer who is leading a second abuse-of-power investigation into Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin's firing of her public safety commissioner. The Legislative Council voted unanimously to provide the confidential documents to the Personnel Board's independent counsel, Tim Petumenos, who is investigating Palin's firing of Public Safety Commissioner Walter Monegan.

Petumenos did not attend the brief session in Anchorage on Thursday and did not return a telephone call seeking comment.

Last week, an investigator for the Legislative Council found that Palin was within her right to fire Monegan but had violated ethics laws by trying to get her former brother-in-law, a state trooper, fired.

The probe began before Palin became the GOP vice presidential nominee, but it has taken on broader political implications since then.

Palin originally agreed to cooperate with the Legislature's investigation. But after becoming John McCain's running mate, she said the probe had become too partisan and filed a complaint against herself with the Personnel Board, saying it has the proper authority to investigate ethics allegations against the governor.

So rather then have this ethics investigation behind her, Sarah Palin has managed to bookend her run for the Vice Presidency between two separate ethics investigations. And people say she isn't smart!

Well I am used to having Christmas come only once a year, but who am I to complain?


  1. well well...Thanksgiving has a whole new meaning eh???

    so it was NOT just Troopergate that was the problem eh???

  2. I only hope they can get some definite answers and the truth out there before the election

    With all the stunts the Republicans are pulling I have this knot in my stomach they may actually get away with illegally winning (again!)

    but if Palin were to be found guilty (again!) of unethicla conduct they would have a hard spinning that

  3. An article worth reading and help to get the word out - a look at the real reasons why Palin was chosen (very frightening)

  4. title of the article - link doesn't look like it worked in previous post
    Has Sarah Palin Been Picked as the Titular Head of the Coming Police State?

    If link link in previous post doesn't work I have it linked in a post I made this morning.


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