Friday, October 03, 2008

Vice Presidential debate redux.

Here is the Vice Presidential debate in its entirety.

I am posting this mainly for my daughter who could not watch the debate last night, but also for anybody else who missed the debate or wants to watch it again.

(If you cannot sit through the entire video, you can simply click the title and it will take you to a transcript instead. Have fun.)


  1. Anonymous6:20 AM

    What I saw tonight - the real Sarah Palin

    Scary Sarah - she wants more power as vice president and thinks Cheney is a great role model

    Sassy Sarah - right up front she let everyone know she wasn’t going to cooperate and answer the moderators questions if didn’t want to because she had only memorized so many answers and she was going to get those answers out regardless of the question

    Silly Sarah - winking??? folksy??? don't get me started on how much that made me cringe

    Smiling Sarah - could she have smiled any more? even at moments when some of the most serious issues were being discussed, that glazed over look with the big smile drove me nuts

    Snooty Sarah - "there you go Joe lookin' to the past again"

    Smirking Sarah - Biden opened his heart to the audience and revealed one of the most painful moments in his life (the death of his wife and daughter), and Sarah's reply was a smile and to babble on without even a 5 second acknowledgment

    Not a pretty sight - and not someone I want in the white house.

  2. I have a couple of questions:

    What person, even if their name is Joe and they drink beer, actually would hear someone refer to "Joe Six-pack" and say -- "Hey! They're talkin' bout me!"

    Answer: no one.

    What seemed more genuine, more straightforward "straight talk", Palin's constant wide-eyed stare into the camera, winks, and 'gosh-darnits' or Joe Biden getting understandably choked up *once* when he talked about really understanding what it means to move because there's no work and understanding what it means to be a single parent or to lose a loved one?

    Answer: Biden.

    What was the most shameful moment of the debate?

    Answer: When Sarah Palin looked a man in the eye whose grown son is headed to Iraq and accused him of "waving the white flag of surrender." As a Mom, I wanted to reach through the TV and shake her. That she could talk about such a thing with that smile and turn a serious issue into a one-liner made me finally understand that she does not take the life-and-death issues of Iraq seriously. They are just another election-year "applause line" for her. A more shameful sound-bite was not uttered during the debate.

    I think Joe Biden was informative and respectful throughout the debate. He had a good command of facts. He was firm without taking any cheap shots. He was genial.

    I thought Sarah Palin was a beauty contestant. I thought she was auditioning for a television job instead of the Vice Presidency. She showed confidence and composure (no implosion, thank goodness for her), but her bright, smiling demeanor showed that she took joy in discussing some of the most serious issues of the day. She lacked gravity and a strong knowledge base. And she avoided answering a good number of questions.

    IMO the only people Sarah Palin convinced last night were John McCain supporters who were starting to quail (wondering, understandably, why their candidate hadn't chosen Romney instead.)

  3. Our choice for president:

    I wish I could write such a compelling essay.

  4. Have you seen this?


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