Thursday, January 01, 2009

Bristol Palin warns teens NOT to get pregnant. In related news Sherry Johnstons says DON'T sell drugs, and John McCain says don't pick stupid VP's.

In a statement issued by the family, Bristol said she "obviously discourages" teen pregnancy and understood her previous plans had now been changed forever.

"Teenagers need to prevent pregnancy to begin with – this isn't ideal," she said.

"But I'm fortunate to have a supportive family which is dealing with this together. Tripp is so perfectly precious; we love him with all our hearts. I can't imagine life without him now."

In the same statement, Mrs Palin hit back at claims her future son-in-law was a high-school dropout.

Palin said Mr Johnston, 18, was enrolled in high school through a correspondence program.
She added her 18-year-old daughter, Bristol, was not a high-school dropout either and was enrolled on correspondence courses.

Does anybody think that these are really Bristol Palin's words? Me either.

It is pretty clear that this statement, and Sarah Palin's attempt to redefine dropping out of high school as something besides "dropping out of high school", are nothing more then a pathetic attempt to tidy up the Palin family image.

I am sure that Sarah Palin loves her family, in her own little way, but if she were truly so concerned with Bristol's reputation she would have left her home in Wasilla while she hit the campaign trail with Papa Bear McCain.

But she didn't. She trotted her daughters out on stage, while dangling little Trig by one leg, and invited the scrutiny of the whole world. And then to provide cover for the questions surrounding Trig's parentage she announced to the world that her teenage daughter was knocked up.

Undercarriage of bus meet Bristol Palin.

If she had left both Trig and Bristol at home, how would that have been anymore scandalous?

But no she needed them as props.

So pay no attention to our Governor's attempts to act like the loving mother who is desperately trying to protect her family. The facts are that Sarah Palin has exposed her family's flaws for everybody to see, and calling People magazine in an attempt to do damage control is just another demonstration of seeking more publicity while pretending to be offended by the coverage already provided.

If Palin would just shut up then the media would lose interest and simply move on to better stories. And do you know what? That is undoubtedly what frightens her the most.

Update: Palin has now provided her first official announcement concerning the birth of little Trippy Palin.

We are over the moon with the arrival of this healthy, beautiful baby,” Governor Palin said. “The road ahead for this young couple will not be easy, but nothing worthwhile is ever easy. Bristol and Levi are committed to accomplish what millions of other young parents have accomplished, to provide a loving and secure environment for their child. They are both hard workers, they’re very strong, and have faith they’ve made the right decision in setting aside their own interests to make this child their highest priority.”

Palin added, “When Bristol and Levi first told us the shocking news that she was pregnant, to be honest, we all at first looked at the situation with some fear and a bit of despair. Isn’t it just like God to turn those circumstances into such an amazing, joyful blessing when you ask Him to help you through?”

Does anybody else smell bullshit?


  1. Anonymous8:49 AM

    Maybe I will smell bullshit, but right now, it's covered up by the smell created when I puked in my mouth while reading Palin's statement.


  2. Sarah Palin has NEVER put together a sentence that had proper structure. There's NO WAY she wrote this statement! So I too cry BULLSHIT!

  3. I vote bullshit, too. I don't know what it is about Palin, but even when she's not being overtly offensive, she offends me. Like, when she says: "...nothing worthwhile is ever easy." I call bullshit on that, too, because I've got my heels kicked up on the couch with my laptop enjoying the first day of the New Year with my own family, and it is VERY easy, and I believe it is worthwhile because easy New Year's Days from the past hold a cherished spot in my neuron mass. Palin is all talk and no listen, and to relate, you must listen and shut your freakin' mouth for more reasons than just to catch your breath. That being said, it's time to shut my own mouth.

    Oh more thing...Happy New Year!
    (Ok, I'm really shutting my mouth this time :-))

  4. Anonymous11:36 AM

    Whats that old saying about the first year being the hardest.We will see...........

  5. Anonymous12:21 PM

    In order to receive health benefits for a child over 18, insurance companies require proof that the child was a full time student for a least half of the year.

  6. definitely, it's BS.

    and like Jen said above, no way did she write that statement. Maybe McAllister wrote it?

  7. Anonymous1:00 PM

    Who makes up this stuff?

  8. Anonymous1:01 PM

    It is the heaping tower of steaming, smelly bullshit that Sarah herself has created.

    Sarah just doesn't know when to shut the f up.

    I have to say, she is better entertainment than ANYTHING on TV or in the movies right now. Sarah, sweetie, we are laughing at you, not with you.Please do yourself a favor...from now on leave the kids at home, and do the job the people of Alaska are paying you to do in an ethical, professional manner. Save yourself the future embarrassment your lies will eventually cause. You've got a good thing going up there....take a deep breath, it is a new year, and time to take a new approach to governing. Please keep your house husband on a tight leash and have him tend to the little ones before Willow winds up like Bristol.

  9. I was so close! Bristol names the child Tripp, and the top of my list of possible names was Trapper.

  10. Anonymous1:36 PM

    I smell mooseshit !!

  11. Awe come on! Do any of you really think any of theses folks write anything of value? Of course not, there is an entire industry devoted to making these folks sound believable.
    I also agree with the last anonymous entry, Sarah needs to tend to being our administrative head, and stop trying to be some obscure ethical and moral example.
    So I guess I agree with the first line of Guv Palin's statement.
    Yes, Sarah you are over the moon, you have been since stepping on into the national political arena.
    So come on down and do the job we hired you for. It is Ok to be quirky, plenty of states have quirky and effective govenors,senators, and congressmen.
    so go be quirky, just quiet down and focus on the task at hand.

  12. Anonymous4:58 PM

    Hilarious headline! I admire your courage to speak out.

  13. Anonymous5:45 PM

    You know what I hate most about this kind of bullshit? The part about "isn't it just like God to turn everything around and sprinkle joy over all of us".

    Umm, NO, it's not just like God to do that. You know what is just like God? It's just like God to ignore the desperate cries of a child from Sub-Saharan Africa who is dying from starvation. Or maybe that child just isn't worthy of having joy sprinkled upon them, like our Sarah.

    Oh, it just is infuriating that people can be so self-centered. I am so sure that God is also intervening in basketball games, while children are being blown to bits in Gaza.

    I'm sorry, but to believe that you have to be one sick, self-involved, twist.

  14. Anonymous5:57 PM

    How easy she uses, GOD when it suits her. Palin is the most pathetic person I've seen. Not far from Dubya and Cheney. All dirtbags.

  15. I still can't figure out why SP said: "we all at first looked at the [Bristol being pregnant] situation with some fear and a bit of despair" -- unless

    1) Sister Sarah was at her wit's end already with Bristol's FIRST pregnancy -- the "mono" story and the subsequent "heroic" coverup.

    2) Sister Sarah was afraid there would be TWO poor unfortunate DS babies in a row.

    3) Sister Sarah was on the verge of getting the nod for VP from John McCain, and she was afraid the promiscuity label would stick. To her. As a lousy mother.

    4) She was wondering "howthehell is Bristol going to nurse Trig now?? I gotta bring the kid along on the campaign trail cuz after all, I AM HIS MOTHER!! Yeah, I got it, bring Bristol along, too, she can hold him, nurse him, change his diapers, and mop up the urps; and I can stay clean and tidy."

  16. Anonymous6:05 PM

    Isn't it just like God to turn teenage pregnancy into such an amazing experience. Maybe now more teens will seek out God's joyful blessing. Perhaps God now wants all teen to have unprotected sex. (but, of course, not affordable health care for the mom and infant.)

  17. Anonymous6:42 PM

    Now that God blesses teen sex, does anyone know if he has changed his mind on gay marriage?

  18. Anonymous6:53 PM

    Great post.

  19. Anonymous7:32 PM

    Pacific asks:
    "Now that God blesses teen sex, does anyone know if he has changed his mind on gay marriage?"

    When Track, Todd, Trig or Tripp marries another male.

  20. I call out the lies in Sarah P’s first press release about Tripp’s birth.

    More coming during the day about the ADN and its non-reporting on this issue.

  21. And what were they thinking naming him Tripp?

    According to the Urban Dictionary, Tripp: 1. To engage in sexual intercourse with, usually while drunk or out of pure infatuation. Another word for having sex, i.e. She got drunk and tripped with him after the party.
    2. A noob of extraordinary proportions.

  22. Anonymous5:36 PM

    I know this is a little late, but I have two questions. How did Levi get into an apprenticeship program without a high school diploma or at least a GED? Were the requirements waived because of his future mother-in-law?


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