Thursday, January 01, 2009

CNN poll shows Barack Obama has highest marks for an incoming President in 30 years.

A national poll suggests that three-quarters of the public thinks President-elect Barack Obama is a strong and decisive leader, the highest marks for a president-elect on that characteristic in nearly three decades.

Seventy-six percent of Americans questioned in a CNN/Opinion Research Corp. survey released Wednesday said Obama is a strong and decisive leader.

"That's the best number an incoming president has gotten on that dimension since Ronald Reagan took office in 1981," CNN Polling Director Keating Holland said. "The public's rating of his leadership skills is already as high as George W. Bush's was after 9/11 and easily beats the numbers that both Bush and Bill Clinton got at the start of their first terms in office."

You know the very best thing about 2009 is that it is the end of the Bush Presidency and the beginning of the Obama Presidency.

I have no idea what other great things may be in store for us this year, but this one change is almost enough for me to know that this is going to be a great year indeed.

For the first time, in a long time, I have hope, pride, and confidence in the man who will be leading my country. That is the greatest gift that anybody could have given me.


  1. Anonymous11:18 AM

    Several well known, knowledgeable people recently have predicted the complete disintegration of the United States sometime within the 2009-2012 Barack Obama term. Since the press gives him such excellent reviews, the high rate of popular approval remains high due to the Obama adulation by the press/media.
    However those who study the economic conditions, policies, world situations etc. are intelligent enough to know better.

  2. So would you characterize yourself has a "glass half empty" kind of person?

    Look I am not saying that we are not in for some very serious problems, perhaps like none we have every had to face before. I am just saying that I really believe that we have the best leader we could have hoped for to help us face them.

    I also want to make sure everybody knows, that no matter how bad shit gets, it was here before Obama became President. George Bush fucked us, don't let anybody convince that the Democrats made this happen.

  3. You are both partially correct. As for doomsday predictions, well they have been around as long as mankind itself.
    I do take offense and have some concern over the press and its misplaced hero worship of the president elect. I do not like the posters comparing him to the Messiah, the Prophet, and even Chavez.
    We face desperate times, but our country has survived hard times before. For those that grew up in the 70's, this will not be such an adjustment, for those depression era elders it will be even easier. Perhaps it is their counsel we should be seeking.
    I do not doubt that Obama could rally this country off its apathetic ass and accomplish something.
    However; please do not welcome this man as a hero. He is not, he has done nothing heroic, actually he was not even a stunning senator.
    That does not mean he will not become a hero, it does not mean he will not be a great president. I simply caution, that no one falls faster and lands harder than those we place on pedestals.
    Gryphen, my glass is neither half full, nor half empty. It is simply what it is, and i will wait and see if it gets filled or poured down the drain.

  4. That is good enough for me kodiakgriff.

    After all we are all in this together.

  5. You know what makes me really sad about all this?

    No, I'm ecstatic that Obama won the election, and that he's done a phenomenal job so far in balancing all the attitudes of people who think they deserve a place in his government. I'm aware that the "sour grapes" attitude of folks like Anonymous@11:18 AM are probably the most positive remarks we'll hear from "the right" and his critics. And I'm not one of those people who's gone off the deep end for Obama the same way 67,000+ (or so they say) folks have gone gaga over Sarah Palin.

    I'm sad because the job he's taken on, righting the wreck of the Bush Administration, will age him 3 times faster than the 4 years he's won. Just think of what the stresses would do to John McCain, if HE'D won!

    And there's that niggling fear tucked far away in the back of my mind that I hope to NEVER EVER go through a day again like that one back in November 1963; one every bit as awful as September 11, 2001.


    A bit of humor: I've surfed over to and a few other conservative blogs. You'd be surprised how many of those characters were under the impression that if McCain/Palin had won the election, Sarah Palin and her brood would be moving into the White House.

    Yeah. Think about that.

  6. Anonymous8:50 AM

    Thank God for CNN and it's polls, but many of us in the real world or as you may know it the Midwest are fearful of the destruction that this man is going to bring to this country.

  7. Anonymous11:05 AM

    Only 76%? That's ALL?
    Why can't he close the deal?


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