Friday, January 16, 2009

If you want to see the Emmonak situation from the Native Alaskan perspective then I direct you to visit my fellow Anonymous blogger Writing Raven.

Just click the title and read what Writing Raven wrote over at her blog Alaska Real.

It will prove very informative and further help those of us who do not live a rural lifestyle to understand he challenges faced by this community. 


  1. I remember the post about Adak, AK during the campaign and posted on my blog about it because I knew a lot of people who were sporting hard-ons over this "mavericky" governor. The biggest thing they kept throwing at me was her energy expertise. And WHY oh WHY Adak didn't get any significant play I do not know. It would have shut that campaign down a great deal sooner, I believe. Or at least it would have given me some satisfaction (and husband some relief from my bitching) to see someone in the MSM care as much as we ought to about what could have been Gov. Palin's canary in the mine moment.

  2. Anonymous9:46 AM

    This is for "Alaska Real" I can't comment there.

    The Persons saying all the terrible comments are of the Palin perspective...remember at her rallies, "kill him" and "Terrorist" and she stood there saying nothing!
    Palin and their "Dark Christian" ilk are racist and don't believe Native,Black,Asian,Hispanic, etc. non- "Christian"are "like them". So you get these utterly stupid clueless comments. Please ignore them. The Videographer that the anonymous bloggers, got donations for him to come and donate for fuel and food will be there and Show the world how Gov. Grifter doesn't do her job. There is nothing on the official SoA website nor at the Wasilla church she attends. Please know the evil small minded people are the minority (thank god) and no-one(who is sane,caring) believes them, and we want to help out our fellow man. Also people are emailing PEO about this also.
    Hope is coming. Bless you all!


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