Friday, January 16, 2009

Palin spokesperson does not believe that the reports that Governor Sarah has ignored the crisis in Emmonak are fair. My heart bleeds.

State officials are discussing ways to help Emmonak Friday morning but state disaster assistance may not be available for the Southwest Alaska village, a state official said.

“There’s just too many details to be talking about any kind of disaster relief,” said Tara Jollie, head of the Division of Community and Regional Affairs.

“The message needs to be that what we’re trying to do is we’re trying to find out what options are available and we’re assessing the information,” Jollie said in an interview this morning, Jan. 16.

Officials with state agencies are holding a teleconference meeting that will launch their effort to study the situation and look for ways to help, she said.

The meeting has been promoted and directed by Gov. Sarah Palin, and will include members of the rural affairs subcabinet Palin created, Jollie said. Jollie could not say whether Emmonak could qualify for disaster relief. The rules are complicated. Bristol Bay fisheries in the 1990s were declared an economic disaster, but only after a year of debate by experts, she said. (These people do not have a year to wait for a debate. They are being helped right now through the donations of generous people from around the world, but that is only a band-aid being applied to a mortal wound. This warm weather will pass and the people of Emmonak will find themselves in danger once again.)

“We don’t know that there’s disaster relief assistance available,” she said. “We certainly don’t want to raise expectations.” She did say the state might be able to provide some kind of help within a week. “I’m hopeful we can find state resources, other programs, some other things already in existence,” she said/

Jollie also said she is troubled by media coverage that Gov. Sarah Palin is sitting idle despite the cry for help in the Lower Yukon River village of 800. Palin has been very engaged in mobilizing staff and has orchestrated the response, Jollie said. “It’s a priority for her,” she said. “She’s been asking for updates and information, all week as matter of fact.”

I just got off of the phone with Nick Tucker, the man who wrote the letter which started this whole humanitarian effort, and learned that the closest he has come to communicating with the Governor is participating in a teleconference with a Yukon Crisis group, consisting of tribal leaders , a representative from the Governor, and other involved parties. Palin herself has not talked directly with anybody in the village, nor has she flown out to see first hand just how dire the situation has become. Nor has any representative of hers.

I also learned from Mr. Tucker that they have not yet received much in the way of relief. The credit card money has been coming in but has not yet been totaled. When it is, it will be disseminated throughout the village to purchase more heating oil for the families in need.

Any checks that have been written to the town of Emmonak will still take a number of days to reach them. Let us hope it is enough to feed the hungry people and keep them warm for the remainder of the winter.

There has been one food drop so far with another planned for Monday. Mr. Tucker said that they are planning a potlatch dinner so that the food will get distributed to the people who need it as quickly as possible.

So if Governor Palin, or her people, are reading this blog, THERE is your update on the situation in Emmonak. I found out by calling and asking, perhaps you should do the same.


  1. Ya know, if Sarah were less interested in staying in the national spotlight and more interested in taking care of problems back home, maybe she'd have my sympathy.
    But as any Governor should know, criticism - especially VALID criticism, comes with the job.

  2. As a follow-up:
    It's interesting that Sarah Palin has time to be the FIRST GUEST™ on the new Glenn Beck Show on Fox this Monday... but no time to deal with hungry people in rural Alaska. And such as.

  3. damn that media getting it all wrong about poor, warm and cozy Gov. Palin. how dare they expect HER to be involved when an assistant is surely good enough for those tribal folks.

    she. is. a. complete. failure.

    Say what you will about Ray Nagin. But did he allow assistants or advisors to look in on those suffering after Katrina? Uh, no.

    So if she walks like a Bush, talks like a Bush, believes like a Bush, and runs her administration like a Bush, then Alaska I challenge you to do what we've yet to see our congressional leaders do: TAKE HER OUT TO THE WOOD SHED AND IMPEACH HER LIKE THERE'S NO TOMORROW!

  4. That's right -- THIS interview of Palin by Glenn Beck will be on a holiday, unlike the last one with John Ziegler.

    Small mercies, Alaska. It probably WOULD have been on a work day, but she wanted it on record before the inauguration.

  5. Why won't the medai just leave poor Sarah alone? Because she won't STFU, stay home, and do the job she was elected to do.

    I think it's a shame (maybe even a crime) for her to be the Glenn Beck Show on Martin Luther King Jr. Day. Although I doubt Glenn Beck is much of a MLK fan, anyway.

  6. Palin reminds me of that section from A Christmas Carol where Scrooge has been asked to make a charitable donation.

    I don't make merry myself at Christmas and I can't afford to make idle people merry. I help to support the establishments I have mentioned: they cost enough: and those who are badly off must go there.''

    ``Many can't go there; and many would rather die.''

    ``If they would rather die,'' said Scrooge, ``they had better do it, and decrease the surplus population.

  7. Anonymous5:06 AM

    Jollie also said she is troubled by media coverage that Gov. Sarah Palin is sitting idle despite the cry for help in the Lower Yukon River village of 800. Palin has been very engaged in mobilizing staff and has orchestrated the response, Jollie said. “It’s a priority for her,” she said. “She’s been asking for updates and information, all week as matter of fact.”
    Hmmmm, looking at her website, I see nothing stating that she is looking "in to it" at all, I see, ANWR, Beluga Whales, but no "Disaster in Alaska Villages"
    As I will scream from the Lower 48,
    We can help you with donations, But you alone ALASKA MUST IMPEACH HER!
    And I also find it sickening she can fly to BE on the GLEN BECK show, but can't fly down to the Villages to check out the situation there. Gov. Grifter, White Witch of the North...Alaska where is your Aslan?

  8. Anonymous7:04 AM

    I am right there with you Packy J...I have commented numerous times that if she wants to be taken seriously by Alaskans and the rest of America, she needs to become a serious politician who conducts state business is a serious, professional, and ETHICAL manner. That means, STFU about ANYTHING that is not state business, no more whiny interviews, and NO MORE KIDS. Hire a nanny, or let Dud watch them at home.

    I was looking at some of the pics on the governor website, and that Piper is in almost every one of them! Does that kid ever go to school? The worst is the one of the Fur and Ice international delegation...all foreign emissaries in suits and ties, AND then Sarah smack in the middle wearing some huge coat indoors with PIPER standing in front of her. WTF? That little girl is going to have a serious princess complex when her mom gets booted out of office.

    As far as impeachment goes, y'all should look into what it takes to get the ball rolling, and contact your state representatives. To be impeached in many states, a governor doesn't necessarily have to have committed a crime....just shown to be incapable of carrying out their responsibilities.

  9. Anonymous9:22 AM

    Oh and I also took a look at her Church website....not a WORD posted there either!!!!
    Oh yeah she really, really cares!


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