Friday, January 02, 2009

You expect there to be superstition in Africa, but this level of irrational behavior is inexcusable!

You know I sort of thought I would just relax today while doing some odd jobs around the house, like finally putting my Christmas tree back in the box, cleaning my bathrooms, and surfing the net for interesting ideas to possibly post about.

But then I run into this little gem.

Oh my freaking God!

How completely crazy do you have to be to saw people's body parts off to make magic?

These people need to be rescued from their ignorance, and I don't give two shits about their culture! Not when they are maiming or killing little children like this!

I know this is a stretch but perhaps having a man whose father came from Africa leading this country, will inspire these people to learn more about the rest of the world and finally recognize how barbaric their superstitions truly are.

Well so much for my calm and peaceful afternoon. Damn I cannot get over that video!

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