Wednesday, February 04, 2009

Alaska is facing a budget shortage of $1.36 billion. Governor Palin is clearly over her head and offers up a blizzard of nonsensical words as proof.

Okay THIS is where things start to get serious.

Maybe Sarah Palin could have stumbled through her term as Governor without leaving too much damage in her wake if the price per barrel of oil had stayed up around $100 or higher.

But now that the prices are down to around 40 dollars a barrel, and the Alaska state budget is not floating on billions of inflated oil dollars, we are quickly going to learn that Sarah Palin's abilities are very minimal indeed.

These are the kinds of challenges which require a sharp mind and a command of complicated details. Does that sound anything like the Governor of this state?

If you watch the KTUU video embedded above whatever confidence you may have had is quickly stripped away. I mean just take a look at this last portion of her interview:

"We've got to make sure we're streamlining, finding efficiencies -- we're going to continue to do that in these next weeks and months, also suggesting to lawmakers where more efficiencies will lie and what we can do about it," Palin said.

There is absolutely nothing of value in that statement! It does not even make any f*cking sense!

We need REAL solutions to this very real problem facing our state. Not a bunch of verbs and nouns thrown together in a nonsensical sentence.


  1. Wish we could help you folks up in Alaska get Palin impeached!

  2. I really can't bring myself to watch that video just now, but the quote you provided is pure Sarah Word Salad as usual.

    Please, IMPEACH the bitch!

  3. "Not filling vacant positions."

    So, too bad Alaskan natives. Too bad, Emmonak. Too bad, Adak. Hopefully all those bleeding heart liberals will pony up some more donations for ya, cuz shucks we're too busy cleaning up my oopsie to take care of your crisis. SUCH a good thing she got her whole high school graduating class hired before that freeze. Whew.

    Is it possible the budget is in the crapper because those people she's friends with at the dairy have defaulted on their governmental loans a few times?

    This. Is. FUCKED. UP!

    How is this possible? What the hell happened to that huge surplus of cash she kept screaming about during the election?

    Can she CLARIFY what the fuck she means when she says "efficiencies"? Because she uses it as if these are tangible things left around the office. It's a mode of operation, a manner of expensing energy/resources. SO, Gov. Palin, just what the hell do you mean when you say you're on the hunt for these so called "efficiencies"? Maybe once THAT gets addressed, the budget will start to make a bit more sense.


    It seems as if Alaska has its own "Bush-in-a-skirt". Your state's economy is falling away just like the rest of the nation's. If this isn't grounds for impeachment based on GROSS incompetence, I don't know what is. And IF I were an Alaskan, I'd call on ALL members of the legislature and kindly remind them that ANY hesitation they show in going after her would put into jeopardy their successful re-election.

  4. Hawker sent her a letter, wasn't it 2 months ago and told her she was going to be short and she needed to work on the budget and she basically blew him off.. Well I guess she ain't blowing

    Now she finds out it's work being

  5. Anonymous12:00 PM

    Did you see in the Daily News blog that she has issued a statement saying NO to the stimulus? It makes Palin sense, doesn't it? We have a budget shortfall, but she doesn't want the federal money.

  6. Anonymous2:34 PM

    What did Blue in AK say?!? I THOUGHT that was what she went to DC GET HER GRAND STATE'S FAIR SHARE OF MONEY! Does she not GET how contradictory she is?

    Hey, Gov Palin! This isn't a dress rehersal, dear. You're in the show now. SO either get your delicate head together and govern or get OUT of the WAY!

  7. Anonymous5:00 PM

    Anonymous last, read it and weep.

  8. Anonymous9:08 PM

    Please leave Palin save us from impeachment costs, slip out of our lives quietly and don't come back.

  9. My head will explode if her new buzz word is efficiencies.
    I can't say whether it is better or worse then her use of the word "progress" in every speech!
    As a journalism major, isn't the proper word "have" instead of "got"?

  10. Anonymous3:45 AM

    I'm sure the surplus is sitting somewhere in a Palin Family bank account offshore. Seems plausible to me.


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