Thursday, March 12, 2009

Conspiracy theory time kids!

Okay now first get out your tinfoil hat.

Got it?

Good now click play on this embedded video and sit back. When it gets to around 2:04 listen carefully.

Did you hear it? Did you notice how fast this reporter corrected himself?

Just how much do the folks at People magazine know about Sarah, Bristol, and the "kids"?

(Hat tip to my fellow blogger regina at Palingates.)


  1. Anonymous4:04 PM

    WOW! That is something. And it would be People who would know, wouldn't it? Other than GVS, of course...

  2. Yup...plain as day. I think he knows something he's not telling!

    Thanks Gryphen and regina!

  3. :::thud - jaw hitting table top & spilling coffee:::

  4. Here in Latin America, we only get the CBS Early Show. They had the editor of People on, while NBC had Lorenzo Benet, associate editor at People. and the author of "Trailblazer." I'm thinking he very well knows something.


  5. Anonymous5:32 PM

    I've see that quite a bit today- I'm wondering if it really does mean anything, or if Sarah's letting all this breakup stuff come out to push the failed gas line and the fact that she's traveling again out of the spotlight. If this is for real, and this guy DOES know something, he just made the top of Sarah Palin's list of hated people. It should be interesting to see what, if anything, else comes out in the near future.

  6. i'm a "baby-gate-er" at heart, but i think this could be an honest mistake. like saying "they talked marriage and kids" -a very common concept. or "they wanted to get married and raise their kids" as a reference to the future kids a marriage would produce. so who knows?

    not that i think SP is likely to be trig's birth-mom, but this might be meaningless. sigh.

  7. Anonymous9:19 PM

    Maybe Levi will finally spill the beans since Granny Barracuda/Pitbull/Grizzly will make his life a leaving hell.

  8. Anonymous10:24 PM

    Should we say he Tripped over that one, or was too quick on the Trigger?

  9. Luna,

    If he had said "kids" and left it at that, people wouldn't have noticed , it would pass as a general comment.

    It was the way he corrected himself that drew attention to it...

  10. Anonymous3:09 AM

    I caught a few minutes of Bill-O, O'Rielly last nite and he was interviewing GVS~man was she ever back peddleing from being BFF with Sarah and the entire Palin clan. Seems, now, she ONLY knew them from the two interviews she went to do, which is to say, not well at all. Interesting.

  11. Anonymous4:10 AM

    I would take it at face value...I still believe that Bristol is Trig's bio mom, but was this a freudian slip? Maybe, maybe not.

    What will be telling is the fallout from the Star Mag interview. If Levi does pursue visitation through the courts, something may come out about Trig. Who knows, time will tell.

    Anon...3:09, As much as Bill-O creeps me out, I will have to try and watch that clip from last night. Looks like Sarah has now pissed off the last ally she had in the media. Awesome.

  12. Anonymous7:49 AM

    GVS backpeddling is significant!!! Sounds like more leaks to come! Drip, drip, drip....down goes the sinking Palin ship....

  13. That is very, very, very, very interesting.

    Actually their break-up is a great thing in that it makes teen pregnancy look much less romantic...nothing like being left with most of the child care while dad goes back to the same old life he had before, and only stops by if he feels like it. Yikes.

  14. I've been looking for the O'reilly/Van Susteren clip and can't find anywhere on the net. Anyone have a lead on it?

  15. I wonder if Bristol is going to sue Levi for child support.

  16. Anonymous12:20 PM

    Ravenstrick...I found the link to the Greta interview form O'Reillys show last night...I can't link it here becuase this comment form only shows as a pop up window on my crappy windows vista.

    Just search greta on factor in the main search on, and last night's clip pops right up. Greta flatly denied being BFF's with the Palins, and O'Reilly blames everything on MSNBC, and somehow ties it in to JOHN EDWARDS. It's like a weird alternate opposite world over there at Fox, where everything is Obama's fault, even this...check out Greta's open is mind boggling

  17. Anonymous3:04 PM

    Tripp is two months old now?

    Wasn't he born Dec. 27 or 28?

    Not Jan. 12.

    That would make him two and a half months. Almost three months.

    Of course we didn't see pictures of Tripp for quite some Tripp could have been born later into January and we'd never know. And with no pictures, it would be hard to tell if he was full term or premature.


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