Thursday, March 12, 2009

It is time to dust off those "Where's Sarah?" stickers, because our gal is packing up and heading out again.

Gov. Sarah Palin is planning at least two trips out of state paid for by her political action committee, which told backers on Wednesday she'll be traveling the country to support those who share her vision.

"Share her vision"? Holy crap that could take forever! I mean how many totally self absorbed, narcissistic mothers, who use their children as political pawns can there possibly be?

Among the events Palin will attend is what's described as the nation's largest Right to Life banquet. Meg Stapleton, spokeswoman for SarahPAC, said the governor is just looking at a few such out-of-state events in the near future.

Stapleton, the SarahPAC spokeswoman in Anchorage, gave a less sweeping description of the plans.

They can change Meg Stapleton's title every single day if they want to but we will always know what she she really is, Sarah Palin's butt monkey!

"Over the last many months, the governor has received thousands of requests for her time. While the governor always encourages visits to Alaska, she looks forward to a few potential Outside events over the next few months," Stapleton said in a written statement.

You know why she has to make an appearance here don't you? To make up for this.

The governor also will attend a celebration of special needs children in Indiana on the same trip, Stapleton said. That event is by the group S.M.I.L.E. on Down Syndrome.

The governor's baby son, Trig, has Down Syndrome. Stapleton said in an interview that the chance for Palin to attend the banquet and the special needs event in the same trip is one reason she's going.

Quick! Cue the baby! I mean why else would Caribou Barbie have carried this child all over the country while listening to catcalls from drunken rednecks?

It means the governor will be in the Midwest just before the April 19th conclusion of Alaska's legislative session. "It will be literally a fly through the night and do a dinner and a breakfast," Stapleton said.

My theory for today about why Palin introduced her gas pipeline initiatives too late for this session of the legislature to actually vote on them is:
1) Because she realizes they will probably fail,
2) Because she has been slumming around with Alaskans long enough and it is time to go out amongst the people who truly love her.

You know like Joe the Plumber, Joe the Builder, Joe the Anti-abortionist, Joe the Racist, and Joe the "always votes with his dick".


  1. Anonymous2:24 PM

    You'd think there might be some more important business to attend to in the great State of Alaska, given all the hungry and cold people.

    I wonder what the folks in Emmonak think of Caribou Spice's jet-setting?

  2. Anonymous2:42 PM

    I wonder if she'll leave Alaska to give speeches when more details of the Bristol-Levi split are revealed?

    Goodness knows, it would take a personal crisis to keep Gov. Grandma at home. The crises in Alaska are never enough to keep her at work.

    How can "Right to Lifers" even listen to Palin anymore? She is so clearly "playing" them. She obviously doesn't have "Christian values" when it comes to lying, education, or children out-of-wedlock. Seriously, how can "Right to Lifers" support someone whose unmarried teenaged daughter/school drop-out goes on camera WITH HER MOM'S PERMISSION saying "abstinence is not realistic," while at the same time she has broken up with the child's father, even as she still pretends they will marry?

    How can the "Right To Lifers" want a speaker who appoints Pro-Choice judges?

    Have they no ideological consistency left at all?

  3. Anonymous3:10 PM

    oh man! just spewed my water all over the desk when I read "joe the always votes with his dick" line!
    ROFL!!! Ya think this proves the Biblical admonition to "not let thy right hand knoweth what thy left hand doeth"?

  4. Anonymous4:30 PM

    My theory is that she can now claim that her in-state gasline and power company consolidation initiatives did not pass because those darn democrats were playing partisan politics, angry w/her for not picking Kertulla for Elton's spot.

    Just you wait -- you read it here!

  5. Anonymous7:10 PM

    If Sarah starts attending events down here in the L48, I hope people rally against her and tell her to go back to Alaska!!

    With no disrespect for whatever the event is for, let her know she's not welcome.

    The only reason she would attend "anything" would be to promote herself!!

  6. Anonymous9:41 PM

    She leaves for months to campaign, her two most important bills aren't ready at the beginning of the very short 90 day legislative session and her people get all pissy when some legislators go to DC for legitimate meetings.

    What does she think this is a part-time job? If she's going to work it part time, lets cut her salary, we could use the money to feed the hungry.

  7. Erm....can someone tell me why the legislative period is so short?

  8. Anonymous3:59 AM

    Uhhh...did anyone tell her Indiana voted for Obama this past election?

    Who wants to start a pool on what the newest Palintology gaffe will be from this trip. Sarah is bound to say something ignorant.

    My comments were the same as the 2nd anon can these fundies take Sarah seriously anymore with her own family being the poster children for dysfunction and zero morality? Shows you how desperate their cause really is.

  9. Anonymous6:12 AM

    Gordon, a law was passed two years ago that mandated a 90 day session, it was 120 days. Since then they have had to rush some bills through, not hold hearings, etc., to keep within the 90 days.

    These are really controversal pieces of legislation, Baby AGIA because there is serious doubt it is viable considering they are limited to 500mcf a day due to AGIA, and the electrical company because the state does not have a good record on such endeavers.

  10. Anonymous7:55 AM

    I personally am so sick and tired of Gino and those other sanctimonious pompous asses with their backassward thinking. I wish she would keep her ass in Alaska and do her job instead of flitting around like she is some type of all knowing prophet.

    I would love her to hear her spin this story about abortion, then bust her in the mouth.

    The catholic church said abortion was worse than rape for this little girl.


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