Friday, March 13, 2009

Jon Stewart demonstrates true brilliance as he makes CNBC's Jim Cramer his bitch.

These three embeds are the raw uncensored interview that Jon Stewart conducted with Jim Cramer.

If you are looking for big laughs you are not going to find it on this show.

What you will see is an absolutely fearless attempt to reveal to America just how full of shit these so called "financial advisers" on television really are.

Jon Stewart has done his country an invaluable service, and this interview should be required viewing for investors, stockholders, and anybody who wants to go on TV and tell people what to do with their money.  In my opinion Jon Stewart should be up for an Edward R. Murrow award, or a Peabody, or at the very least an Emmy for what he did last night.

Part of me hopes that the result of this interview is that CNBC disappears the way that Crossfire did when Jon revealed the hypocrisy of THAT show.


  1. I agree one-million percent! I watched the show last night and I thought it was the best thing Jon Stewart has ever done. This is what television news should be every day! The fact that we have to see it on Comedy Central is an absolute abomination.

  2. Anonymous7:27 AM

    Great clips, I have never seen this guy, I am new to politics. I didn't really get into politics until Gino's bid to be brain (pinky and the brain). When the Devil (gino) came down to Georgia. It is sad to sit here and watch that guy wiggle trying to get the heat of himself.

  3. A truly awesome job by Jon Stewart.

    I noticed that Joe Scarbough and club didn't mention a word about it - yet yesterday they were cheerleaders for Cramer.

  4. Anonymous9:20 AM

    I totally agree. I didn't think my opinion of Jon could get much higher, but it has indeed. It is truly a sad state of affairs when you can get more relevant, hard news from a comedian rather than "professional journalists". Cramer is a buffoon.

  5. Anonymous10:45 AM

    Why is it that a comedy fake-news show did more real investigative work than our inadequate MSM?? Stewart did his research, and asked important questions-- where's the accountability and oversight?? It has been missing from government in the last 8 years, missing from The Media. Anyone who questioned the runup to the war in Iraq was stifled. The interview with Cramer showed how much all of these folks are in bed with each other-- Stewart's interview was a real eyeopener! Oh, and if you want to watch another smackdown, look for Chris Matthew's recent interview with former Bush spokesperson Ari Fleisher who insisted that Sadam was responsible for the attack on September 11. (Thursday, March 12).

  6. It's a sad thing when late night comedy hosts have supplanted journalists in seeking out and making known the truth.

  7. Anonymous10:12 PM

    I just saw this on CBS-5 in SF, CA.
    I could of swore they said PO saw this too!


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