Saturday, March 14, 2009

For those of you waiting for the head explosion....

It is coming.

However feel it incumbent upon me to perhaps lower expectations just a little.

I have been communicating with just about EVERY other blogger I know about my information.

There are various opinions about what it means and if in fact it means anything at all.

So I am trying to get confirmation and eyewitness support for my post, and that is what is taking me so long to get it written and posted.

This is not my usual approach to blogging. My standard joke is that I suffer from "blogger's Tourette's" meaning I really just post whatever pops into my mind and often edit on the fly. Sometimes even after I have already posted it.

But this time it is a little different. This time I am trying to cross all of my "t's" an dot all of my "i's" before I put something out there that could be a game changer.

So yes I know I am teasing you and I do apologize, but I felt it incumbent upon me to let you all know why I have hardly posted today, and why the "head exploding" post has not materialized.

My promise is that it will be posted on Monday. Early on Monday.

After I post it you will all be able to decide for yourselves if it warranted all of this cloak and dagger or not. I think some will think yes, and some will undoubtedly think no.


  1. Please don't let your head explode before you post the cloak and dagger entry!

  2. Anonymous8:25 PM

    Well...I for one will be waiting! I trust you Gryphen, I think you have ear to the ground, so to speak. I feel that there is about to be a explosion and not Mt. Redoubt!
    We can wait, we will be patient.

  3. Anonymous9:36 PM


    even if you have now given a promise to your readers, I would like to ask you to further examine your piece of evidence before you go public with it. I know which piece of evidence you are talking about (that's not surprising, because a few people now know already). Let me just tell you this: Put the credibility of your blog before anything else, promises to your readers included. If you present this piece now as "sensation" and it turns out afterwards that this whole thing is only "half-baked", inconsistent with other facts and can be refuted easily, then you will have lost a lot of credibility, and once the next piece of evidence in the Palin pregnancy story comes to light, which might be much more striking, then you will be in a weaker position because your credibility would have been previously damaged. I know that there are very solid pieces of evidence regarding the Palin pregnancy story to be published soon. All I am saying is: Consider this issue carefully and don't promise your readers too much, because they might be disappointed in the end. And as I said, the next hard-hitting revelations regarding the "Palins and their pregnancies" are already in the pipeline.

    A friend

  4. Anonymous11:05 PM

    Sometimes I read your blog - like today and I followed some of your blog postings to the right and read what others had to say about babies and timelines.

    Here is what I wonder - what if Bristol had an earlier pregnancy that ended in miscarriage - which would answer the issue of apparently her aunt citing a mid school year pregnancy being the reason she moved to Anchorage. Then later she gets pregnant with Trip in March or April.

    I think the whole thing about Bristol being Trig's mom requires one to believe a lot of the staff at that hospital where Trig was born to be in on the conspiracy. That seems unlikely.

    It's all sad and strange.

  5. Anonymous4:57 AM

    I'd say if you have an anonymous "friend" suggesting that they "know" what "piece of evidence" you're talking about and maybe you oughta really think it over before you publish it, that you must be onto something that makes "someone" feel threatened (also, too, though). Print it proudly!

  6. Anonymous6:33 AM

    Print it...if you are already getting anonymous comments from people who are supposedly your "friends" telling you not to print it, that is all the more reason to move forward.

    Sarah, Meg, better get a stament ready, bitchez...

  7. Anonymous8:25 AM

    OK, since I read your post, I can't stop thinking about what this new information could possible be!

    Here's my theory...Bristol was actually preggers somewhere in the Dec 2007 to Feb 2008 and had a miscarraige or abortion. She got pregnant again soon after with Tripp, causing the shock and awe from her parents as dicussed in the GVS interview.

    Part 2 of my new theory: Trig is actually Sarah's baby (despite the odds and weird pregnancy/birth), but Todd's not the father....which would explain why Sarah kept it hidden for so long.

    Am I getting warmer?

  8. Anonymous8:35 AM

    I read your blog every day, and have great respect for your credibility. If you are "off the mark" with your information, be assured it will not diminish your credibility in my opinion. The fact that you have taken the time to research and verify certainly takes care of the "blogger's Tourette's"!

  9. Anonymous9:02 AM


    I am the anon-poster from 9:36. People who say that I obviously want to stop you from publicising your "sensational" information get it wrong. All I am saying is that you should really think carefully how to present it, because I don't think that it's sensational at all what you have found there. The most "sensational" interpretation of this piece of evidence is half-baked and not consistent with lots of other facts, and there are other interpretations which are unfortunately not incredibly sensational, but actually much more likely. I didn't find an email of you, otherwise I would have contacted you directly. Please get in touch with me. My email: Jonathan.wild2709 (at)

  10. Anonymous9:21 AM

    Jonathan, you must be a mind reader or something...because I don't think that it's sensational at all what you have found there. The most "sensational" interpretation of this piece of evidence is half-baked and not consistent with lots of other facts
    How is it you are so sure of what Gryphen is going to post?
    Maybe you should start you very own blog, huh?

  11. Anonymous9:39 AM

    Now, my curiosity is really aroused. If it's not sensational--what's the big deal?

    One thing one has to be careful of is the false, misleading information Sarah Palin herself puts out to the media. Don't let her trick you!

    Her ability to manipulate and distract amazes me..."Beware."


  12. Anonymous10:35 AM


    You are so off the mark it is incredible. Clearly you believe that your mind reading abilities are much better that Jonathans. Problem is he is not mind reading, he has seen a copy of Gryphen's evidence and he knows what he is talking about. I have seen it too as a matter of fact. Perhaps you should save the snark for the playground. Jonathan gave an email contact address and Gryphen can contact him to see what it is he knows...then he can make up his own mind about Jonathan or not.

    Thanks and have a nice day.

  13. Anonymous11:41 AM

    This interview from People really puts a spoke in the works of your latest evidence Gryphen. Sorry, believe me I wish it were true.

    "Missing from the Palin family group was Bristol, in the news after her split with Tripp's father Levi Johnston, 19. There's no mystery, though. "Oh, Bristol is over at the state capitol building golfing in a miniature golf tournament," Palin told PEOPLE. "It's a fundraiser and she's up there taking my place while I'm here."

    I am sure that the above statement is easily verifiable.

  14. Anonymous11:57 AM

    You also must have incredible mind reading abilities! Gee all you people are posting that you KNOW what Gryphen's going to post, How is that?

    as for snark, look at yourself!
    (yeah posting as anon!)
    I'm amazed @ all the Anon know-it-alls popping out of the woodwork here that KNOW what Gryphen going to post!

  15. email it to me 1st, before you post it...I'll proof it fer ya!


  16. Anonymous12:20 PM

    You could post the info as an unverifiable rumor that you would like to lay to rest. Seems like everyone but me knows the rumor anyhow.

  17. Anonymous12:35 PM

    You got that one right, lol! And me, I'm waiting for Gryphen's post!

  18. Anonymous1:30 PM

    crystalwolf until YOU post with a proper link you are also posting as an anon.....think about it.

    And you really are barking up the wrong tree......think long and hard about the fact that going with the wrong evidence will only strengthen SP's case not weaken it, especially if it is repeated on a prominent Alaskan blog like Gryphens.

    I can ID myself but will only do so to fact if he reads this and thinks about it I have given him a clue as to what I know in this very sentence.

  19. Wow, this thing is getting a little out of control.

    Everybody calm down.

    I don't care what anybody says, they have not seen the information. It was for my eyes only, and the only other people I have talked to about it are absolutely trustworthy.

    I have already said that the evidence may not prove to be earth shattering, but I also was not engaging in hyperbole when I said it was making my head explode.

    So to sum up, NOBODY has seen this yet, except for three trustworthy friends.

  20. Anonymous2:31 PM

    I was one of the first to post on your head-exploding thread. No..I didn't say "make my head explode". lol. I'm staying calm.....WHEN GRYPHEN, WHEN? :)

    Heads up, Levi is appearing on Good Morning America...and he's sticking with the Palin clan!

  21. Anonymous2:41 PM


    I really did not think that you would be so naive. Anyway, go with it then, but I can already promise you that it will not bring the case against Sarah Palin one inch further, because an attack on her family which is not backed up by excellent proof will only help her in the long run. Please Gryphen, you can still email me, and I will tell you what I know.

    jonathan.wild2709 (at)

  22. Anonymous3:07 PM

    I posted at 2.31. Methinks you have someone scared!!

  23. Anonymous3:12 PM

    Is this it?

  24. Anonymous3:23 PM

    anon @3.12

    No it is not IT. Kevin, later repudiated what he said in that video.

    But, I promise you that I do know what it is. Just remember to ID me....

    haha you will all see that I am correct tomorrow. Remember the ID.


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It just goes directly to their thighs.