Saturday, March 21, 2009

Sarah Palin owes hundreds of thousands of dollars in legal fees. I officially label today a "Palin-palooza"!

Gov. Sarah Palin owes more than a half million dollars to an Anchorage law firm that has defended her against ethics complaints, and she may create a legal fund to pay the bill, she said Friday.

Legal bills have mounted fighting complaints that she called partisan, false and frivolous, starting with "the politically motivated Troopergate probe," Palin said in a written response to questions.

She said the legal bills all stem from her actions as governor.

"I must defend against these baseless ethics accusations out of my own pocket as the use of public monies to do so could itself violate state law," Palin wrote.

The debt is owed to the Alaska law firm Clapp, Peterson, Van Flein, Tiemessen & Thorsness, according to her financial disclosure.

The disclosure said only that she owed "hundreds of thousands of dollars." On Friday in the written statement, attorney Thomas Van Flein wouldn't give a precise number but said it was "a substantial debt." Palin said she didn't have an exact figure yet but "the debt is over a half a million dollars."

Palin continues to play the victim card throughout this article. It has become her favorite fall back position whenever anybody confronts her about the things that she has caused through negligence, vengeance, or arrogance.

Here is a PDF of the Palin's financial statement. It lists donations made out to Sarah, expenses form the McCain/Palin campaign, gifts that she and her family have received, and more. All in all it makes for some very interesting reading.

And here is a PDF of the questions Lisa Demer asked the Governor, and her lawyer Tom Van Flein, about this financial disclosure. VERY interesting stuff contained in this, and Sarah's defensive posture is quite evident throughout.

Now the part that really caught my eye was a claim that Barack Obama's campaign had contacted the Trooper's Union up here about the reassignment of Walt Monegan. It is further claimed that CNN reported this. I was surprised by that allegation, because though I remember that the McCain/Palin people claimed that Obama had operatives up here but I certainly never ran into them.

As far as I am aware the campaign NEVER contacted the union. So I searched to find where CNN had reported this. The only story I located was this one. But when you read the report the only reference you find to "Obama operatives" is right here:

Former Palin Press Secretary Meg Stapleton told reporters in Anchorage that the power probe has been "hijacked" by "Obama operatives" for the Democratic presidential nominee -- namely, Alaska state Sen. Hollis French, the Democratic lawmaker managing the investigation and an Obama supporter. French has denied working on behalf of the Obama campaign.

So the "Obama operative" they identify is Hollis French, an Alaskan legislator whose job it was to determine if Sarah Palin had indeed violated the trust of the Alaskan people? And because he is a Democrat, that supported the Democratic candidate for President, somehow that makes this a political hitjob? Even though the investigation was launched BEFORE anybody knew Palin was going to be chosen for McCain's VP? Well how paranoid is that?

And look who gave CNN that information.

Meg Stapleton.

So Sarah Palin refers to a report by CNN that "proves" that the Obama campaign hijacked the "Troopergate" investigation. However the source of this "proof" is Meg Stapleton, who was working for the McCain/Palin campaign at the time. Essentially Palin uses a report based on the lies that her people told CNN as "proof" that she was politically attacked by the Obama campaign.

Does this woman take personal responsibility for anything? Never mind, I already know the answer to that.


  1. Anonymous7:05 AM

    Sarah Palin is a crook, plain and simple.

  2. Anonymous7:42 AM

    I'm trying to look at this through Sarah's eyes-- as long as she keeps her name in the media, its publicity (as long as they spell my name right). Maybe she is hoping that her adoring public will rally to her side and make $$$donations to a legal defense fund. I can't even begin to imagine what some of those conservatives saw in her when they strong-armed McCain into selecting her as VP nominee-- the more we learn the worse she looks. She must think that being the victim makes her look strong enough to be presidential materal?? I don't get it!

  3. Anonymous7:50 AM

    I read the PDF's and the Q&A from the ADN. It was astounding. What bugs me the most are the personal checks for $500 to $1000 made out to Sarah by her supporters, even after the election. Why are they just sending money to her? WTF? And she writes a note that they weren't cashed.

    Hey, I already saw protesters gathering in Anchorage on MSNBC...

  4. Anonymous9:15 AM

    "I must defend against these baseless ethics accusations out of my own pocket as the use of public monies to do so could itself violate state law," Palin wrote.

    That's why the Department of Law originally had hired Van Flein to represent Palin. It must violate state law!

    And Van Flein became Palin's private attorney only after she joined the national campaign.

    Maybe he can explain if his contract with the department of Law had been illegal, and if so, why he signed it to begin with.

    Or is this just another in the continuing series of whinings and fabrications?

  5. pg 9 of financial disclosure:
    (handwritten, so it's not a typo...)

    "As Governor of the State of Alaska I have accrued bills for legal representation concerning false, wasteful, and frivilous (sic) allegations. To defend my actions as Governor my family has amassed hundreds of thousands of dollars in fees." Frivilous indeed.

    On page 5, she states that there are 6 in family in receipt of PFD. Doesn't Trig qualify for it? He was born on April 18, 2008, no?

    I find it incredible that she whines about unfairness in an official form! Not to mention all the talk about boxes and boxes of letters, gifts and checks from well wishers...

    How embarrassing!

  6. Anonymous10:17 AM

    What Palin/Stapleton don't tell you is that 3 days after the CNN report the union denied it.

    And since when does Palin believe every story reported in the media? Only when it suits her purposes?

  7. Anonymous2:03 PM

    For some reason, ADN has killed the comment section on this story and the one about Sarah wanting discussion on the Stimulus money.

    Things are starting to spin out of control for Governor Jet Set.

  8. Anonymous2:03 PM

    Spin, Lies, spin! If she had a real job...she would be fired for violation of rules of that job. No boss would let someone whine and whine "its not my fault" over and over again, they would just fire them for being trouble. And that's just what the Alaskan people need to do with GINO...Fire her! Her minions call anyone who calls out her lies "ankle biters" WTF? Its like Jen said they/her criticize anyone who doesn't say she's farting rainbows!!!!
    Oh and the "paid" Obama operatives! More rightwingnut paraanoid bullshit!
    Hey GINO a little cheese with that whine????
    Gryphen, save those PDF's, could be useful...

  9. Anonymous2:36 PM

    Sarah thy name is LIAR.

  10. regina said... On page 5, she states that there are 6 in family in receipt of PFD. Doesn't Trig qualify for it? He was born on April 18, 2008, no?

    I'm wondering if Trig took Track's place; that was part of the price Track has had to pay for Mom and Dad keeping him out of jail.

    And perhaps some sleight of hand in the PFD application between Track and Tripp will take place, so that no one knows when Tripp was actually born...

    Is that actually possible?

    (my word verif is "persest)

  11. Anonymous2:57 PM

    Regina- Trig would be eligible for the PFD being paid in the fall of 2009.

    You have to have been a full year resident- or have been born- in the prior year.

    So he would not be eligible for the PFD paid in the fall of 2008, for which the application period had already closed prior to his birth.

    As much as I think Palin has pulled shenanigans with state money for per diem and family travel, I don't think she would ever screw around with the PFD eligibility.

    Heck, she doesn't have to anyway. I've always believed that she supported the $2,000 per person extra payment last year because she knew her family would get 6 X $3,269- plenty to offset the high cost of energy for one household.

  12. Anonymous3:13 PM

    Thanks, Gryphen. I always thought it was kind of a weird claim that anyone connected with the Obama campaign would want to go anywhere near Troopergate.

  13. I love this post. What you just did was unravel the anatomy of a Stapleton Spin - pulling the wool over the eyes and ears of anyone who will listen.

    No doubt the "fact" that Obama "attacked" SP in this way is now a permanent fixture in the brains of Palin's diminishing fanbase.

  14. Anonymous3:32 PM

    Great post and links! You never cease to amaze me!

    Keep up the good work...


  15. Gryphen, GINO & her Operatives always speak in such generic terms, about everything. Thanks for digging pass the BS to the core facts...while most ppl won't do all the extra required investigation work, they do know not to trust what GINO says...

  16. Anonymous4:28 PM

    *Ted Stevens -? amount for legal fees.
    *Don Young - ~$1.2 million in legal fees.
    *Sarah Palin - "Hundreds of thousands of dollars" in legal fees.

    WTF is wrong with this picture?

  17. If Palin doesn't want to pay legal fees, she should stop breaking the law.

  18. Anonymous7:07 PM

    I'm told that Palin thinks the kids who will benefit from the federal stimulus money for education are the "kids to nowehere."

    That may explain her opposition.

    And that may explain why the legislature will teach her a good lesson next week.

  19. She is really in trouble- her legal bills are higher than Tom Delay- how the's like her shopping trip she really does things in manic- hyper style doesn't she ???

    HALF a Million???Omg....

    about the Obama thing- nope - she is dead wrong that is an out and out lie- and CNN never reported that he had operatives there- and there was even a statement issued at one point from Obama people disputing that- there was NEVER any operatives there - not one.

    off subject ::: has Teddy been sentenced yet ??

  20. Anonymous8:13 PM

    While it's true Trigg didn't qualify for the last Permanent Fund, what could be more interesting would be to find out how one qualifies for the dividend from the Bristol Bay Native Corp and the Choggiung Ltd Native Corp.

    Sarah obviously doesn't qualify. But Todd and the kids do. But there are only 5 in the family, so it looks like Trigg didn't get one. Maybe it's because he was born too late to qualify last year, or maybe he doesn't have the blood quantum required.

  21. Anonymous4:15 AM

    Also keep in mind that Track is now an "adult," and not a student, and may no longer be a dependent family member.

  22. Anonymous8:16 AM

    Something to think about...the last sitting governor to have this much in lagal bills was impeached...Blago.

    She can be recalled instead of impeached...keep that in mind.

  23. Anonymous12:47 PM

    Anonymous, While Track is an adult, his army pay is listed on the form, and with six people listed as permanent fund recipients he is included there, as Trigg wasn't eligible last year. Track is also included as part of the set net operation in Bristol Bay.

    If he's included in all the rest, I'm sure he's included in the native shareholder dividends too.

  24. Anonymous9:26 PM

    Sarah Palin amounts legal fees for an ethics lawsuit that she brought against herself.

    This is the wonderful bizzarro world of Sarah Palin.

    "I must defend against these baseless ethics accusations..."

    Again, the legal fees are to defend herself against HERSELF. She filed the ethics action against herself!

  25. Anonymous10:46 AM

    I haven't read all the comments yet, but I would say: IT IS TIME THAT WE STOP THIS MONSTER!

    If Alaskans do not have the 'balls', or 'cojones', to impeach/recall her, then the rest of us PJ-clad bloggers have to take things into our own little hands, and innundate the IRS on their whistleblower program about her grifting issues. Mention her house, her per diems, anything and everything you can think of (Gryphen, do you by chance have a listing of all these issues somewhere?)
    If the IRS is getting enough whistleblower reports, just MAYYYYBE they will start an investigation, and hopefully an investigation that she cannot shake off with her high-powered attourneys!

  26. Anonymous10:34 AM

    It is not new or surprising that an elected official has frivolous lawsuits filed against them. In fact, it is often a tactic used by their political opponents to undermine their effectiveness and/or success. It is not unlawful for an elected official to create a "legal fund" in order to pay for these suits. I believe the Clintons are among the most recent popular politicians forced to create a legal fund.

  27. Anonymous12:15 PM

    If the liberals weren't trying to damage Gov. Palin and force her to defend herself (and then she wins), of course, she'll have mounting legal bills. These frivolous liberal-initiated lawsuits are wasting time and money.

    I wonder how much Bill Clnton's legal bills were, and how much Obama's will be when his gig is exposed?

  28. Anonymous12:33 PM

    In the U.S., anyone can sue anyone. So of course, since Gov. Palin is a liberal target, we can expect many lawsuits to be filed against her in hopes that she will not be able to run for President, should she decide to. Perhaps it's time to start suing Obama and racking up his legal defense fund. Oh yes, he has already been sued for his fraudulent Hawaii birth certificate.

  29. Anonymous12:35 PM

    Truthsaid, Gov. Palin did not break any laws, but Obama is breakling our country.

  30. Anonymous12:47 PM

    Have you seen the actual complaints?
    This is beyond ridiculous. Wearing an Artic cat jacket, doing a media interview. WTF? So, it's acceptable to you Libs, to break someone financially because they threaten your candidate, MAYBE, in a future election.
    You are not Democrats. Democrats believe in democracy, not THUGOCRACY.

  31. Anonymous3:34 PM

    You don't hear about any other politician whinning and crying like Sorry Sarah. All that talk about pit bull, barracuda, and mamma grizzly, but all she does is whine about poor little me, why does everybody pick on poor little Sorry Sarah. What a hypocritical sorry little douchebag.

  32. Anonymous5:46 PM

    Legal fees are nothing new for politicians. In 1989, the Clintons established a legal fund as their legal bills approached $4 million. The Clintons had so many scandals, including the Lewinsky matter, Whitewater, the campaign fund-raising controversy and the Paula Jones sexual harassment lawsuit. Read more at :

    Unfortunately, the lawsuits against Governor Palin have been filed by ankle biters, in an attempt to politically assinate. She is not independently wealthy, and they hope they can ruin her political reputation. Even though all the frivilous charges are eventually dismissed, it take time and money to defend against these charges.

    By the way, Obama has over $1 million in legal fees currently defending his refusal to reveal his BC and college information. Obama has huge money backers like George Soros and illegal foreign backers to pay his bills. Obama has sold his soul to the devil for his political success.

  33. Anonymous7:24 PM

    the more people attack sarah with political agendas trying to smear her the more her popularity goes up---some of these attackers are sick pathetic individuals---sarah palin will be next president of the nation--she is real --one of us

  34. You don't need to document Obama operatives in Alaska by anything published. All you need to do is look at what happened. Kim Elton, Hollis French and Beth Kerttula all were major players in a pay for play scheme with the Obama administration. Kim Elton has received his reward with his plum job in Washington, DC. It will be interesting to see if he will trash Alaska to help his boss (Obama). We are all waiting to see what Hollis French will receive. The accusations are all frivolous. It is a method to try to sabotage political opponents who do not have extensive financial resources. So far I have only seen Liberal Democrats use it, but you can bet that Republicans will be on the bandwagon soon if it is allowed to work. Then we will have few citizens who will want to serve their country for fear they will be financially ruined. The ethical problems are with the Democrat accusers, not with Governor Palin.

  35. Anonymous9:59 AM

    sarah is most honest politician in america----the left attack with all they have and they can't find nothing--hollis french and his gang shouldn't be reelected--they are unethical with cheerleading all these attacks

  36. It is hard to believe you see Governor Palin as the bad guy in this. What don't you understand about the Harvard Law School gang who has been working pro bono on this since the day she was announced as the VP candidate?

    I wish we could examine the statements submitted by the Obamas. I mean, there was only, what $380,000,000 in mysterious donations under $200? Only $19,000,000 in donations from untraceable foreign banks? Only 16,000,000,000 laundered through pilfered credit card numbers? Only two million fraudent primary votes across the country?

    Of course Palin's account makes interesting reading since nobody ever gets to see any specific reports on Obama. Nobody's allowed to know what courses he took at Columbia or what his GPA was, nobody's allowed to know what he took at Harvard, who was paying him an allowance, and, most importantly, who was the private citizen in Texas who paid his law school tuition at the request of the Chicago Machine?

    It's just terrible what honest Americans get up to. Hard work and personal sacrifice.

    What is the matter with you?

  37. Anonymous6:19 AM

    Well said SadPuma. The initial posts on this blog show people soooo indignant of politicians that have legal fees. It just shows their total ignorance. When will they start asking to see ANY sort of investigation of the messiah. The ankle biting frivolous law suits against Palin are propagated by the nasty liberal smear mahine, and really amount to nothing. All that effort,30 Obama attorneys sent to Alaska, and that is all they can come up with? The press investigating furiously, and this is all they can find to smear her with? No leaf has remained unturned, her life has been examined under a microscope, and all they have on her is ankle biting frivilous charges? Meanwhile, the messiah is shielded from question, while Palin's life story is an open book. Imagine what we would see if we learned any details of the messiah's sorted history. He is spending millions to keep things secret. I'm sure there are many, many career-ending skeletons in his closet. Palin is crucified because
    her daughter's boyfriend's mother is caught using oxycotin. Obama admits he uses cocaine, and it's no big deal. Does anyone see a double standard here?

  38. Anonymous6:28 AM

    sarah palin is most honest politician in the nation

  39. Anonymous8:33 PM

    hmmm? Legal fees for frivolous lawsuits amounting to 6+ figure debts ! and the Lawyers end up with all the money - time to have judges decree that when defendants prevail in such suits the plaintiff pays all legal fees, theirs AND the defendants - Those filing suits as harrassment would think twice if they knew all the associated legals fees were coming out of their pockets. A drastic decline in frivolous suits would occur and our court rooms could be freed up for the hearing of valid disputes and more timely prosecution of criminals.


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