Thursday, March 12, 2009

Jon Stewart explains how ridiculous the GOP complaints about earmarks in the stimulus package are better than any "real" journalist ever could.

Added bonus for today, Lewis Black with his segment "Back in Black". Lewis is without a doubt one of my all time favorite comedians.


  1. Jon Stewart has been aweseome this week - loved these two segments. Looking forward to having Kramer on the show tonight!

    Black is one of our favorites too - we have tickets to see him live in a few weeks. I'm so excited :)

  2. Anonymous9:48 AM


    In the title it should be Journalist not Journaist.....

  3. Both great clips...thanks for sharing the laughs! Waiting for Cramer tonight. He was on The Martha Stewart Show saying he was concerned about being interviewed by Stewart tonight. There are clips, too.

  4. Lewis Black is SO money, man! I LOVED Stewart adding a dash of George Carlin clarifying perspective. That guy is a legend. Oh, to have Carlin and Russert back in the dawn of an Obama administration...NIRVANA!


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It just goes directly to their thighs.