Saturday, March 21, 2009

Keith Olbermann weighs in on Governor Sarah's rejection of almost half of the stimulus money for Alaskans.

Wow both Les Gara and Matt Claman were quoted by the distinguished Mr. Olbermann. Nicely done gentlemen!

Don't you just love this quote?

"How much of a hypocrite, a personal schmuck, do you have to be to use your special needs child in your campaign and then turn down free federal money for special needs children in your own state?"

I don't think I could have said it better myself. My second favorite quote is this one:

"They impeach Governors, don't they?"

Why yes they do Mr. Olbermann, and it is definitely past time to start talking about recalling or impeaching this one.


  1. Anonymous5:22 AM

    This is why I heart Keith Olbermann.

  2. Anonymous6:46 AM

    Yes, please impeach Palin. She is polling other states (Iowa, New Hampshire) and asking if it matters if she runs for another term of governance in AK. WHY DON'T YOU ALL SHOW HER THAT IT DOESN'T? GIVE HER THE HEAVE-HO NOW!

  3. There's a link in this article to a handy dandy guide for Alaskan's about how to recall Bad Sarah:

    And Alaskans, the whole world REALLY REALLY hopes you will do it!

  4. Anonymous6:54 PM

    can the recall process be done on the internet? We alaskans are spread out, some small cities are not connected, like the mainland of Alaska. Traveling for signatures would be costly.


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