Saturday, March 21, 2009

Speaking of Sarah Palin, Bill Maher dedicated a portion of his show to making fun of her rejection of the stimulus money last night. So funny!

The Sarah Palin portions does not come in until 4:22 of this YouTube video, but it is worth the wait.

Bill tries to make a clumsy and politically incorrect comment about referring to special needs children as "special and unique", but then he gets back to the business of ripping into Governor Palin. Watch for the introduction of the "Baby Tripp" doll at 4:42.

The beginning of this section had me rolling.

After the talking doll Maher introduces that "big headed guy from MSNBC". Well that is what David Letterman calls him.


  1. Anonymous5:24 AM

    I watched this last night, and at first I was confused as to why Kerry Washington would be on the panel...but she is obviously much more well versed in politics and current events than Sarah Palin.

  2. That was one of Bill Maher's best shows.. I was quite impressed with most of them, Sorken left me with less than high marks..but what can I say.. I sure liked what Bernie Sanders had to say though..

  3. Anonymous2:41 PM

    Kerry Washington is an actor/activist who is frequently on the show. Unfortunately she can very annoying by frequently interrupting others. I think they may have talked to her and she behaved herself better on last night's show.

  4. I watched last night too...Boy! that pull-string baby had me cracking up!

  5. omg...tooooooo funny..thanks for this...

  6. Anonymous8:49 PM

    My second favorite quote was "winning the Republican Primary means taking totally crazy positions."

  7. Anonymous2:14 AM

    Bless you for giving us those Youtubes! I had heard about the show (but only have Basic Cable so I don't get Maher). I wanted so badly to see the Chatty Baby segment, so now I'm 'In Happy' nobody had mentioned the last line Chatty Baby spewed. ROLFL Thx!

    Kath the Scrappy, Seattle

  8. Anonymous2:17 AM

    BTW, that was the first time I've ever seen Bernie Sanders speak. He's quite impressive and very articulate! I will be watching for more info from him now.

    Kath the Scrappy


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