Sunday, March 15, 2009

The "Running of the Models" in New York would have made Papa Hemingway proud.

Three people were arrested and six others hurt Saturday after bedlam broke out while they waited to audition for "America's Next Top Model," police said.

Police didn't know what prompted the chaos involving hundreds of people outside the Park Central New York hotel in Manhattan. The panic left the street outside the hotel littered with shoes and clothing, according to news reports.
(Click the headline for more.)

Okay so apparently there was a casting call from the vacuous reality show "America's Next Top Model" for women under five foot six. The evidence suggests that within this height range there are literally thousands of "Christie Brinkley's" just dying for their big break. So they seemingly ALL showed up for an opportunity to be humiliated for several weeks by the model "judges" and have their most personal information presented to the middle age perverts and female teenagers suffering with low self esteem that make up the bulk of the audience for this show.

At some point there was a malfunctioning car that drove by, or somebody showed up in the same slutty dress, or somebodies heel broke off, or something happened which caused a panic to ripple through this crowd of sad empty women and caused the melee that you see in the YouTube video.

You know this just makes me sad. I know the economy is bad, and that everybody wants to be somebody. But when you show up to an event like this, and see a horde of people like this, don't you have to ask yourself "isn't there something more important I should be doing"?


  1. I dunno Gryphen. That's amazingly disgusting... but I wouldn't call it "head-exploding."

  2. The gathering was infiltrated by extraterrestial aliens. Huffpost got a picture of one of them.

    Note the large eyes, and the thin face with the bones showing prominently.

  3. Somebody had a kid there. What kind of parent wouldn't leave with the kid when things started getting rought?

  4. Anonymous4:56 PM

    There are many teenage girls suffering with low self esteem image. I just hope that you are not going to add another one to the list tomorrow morning Gryphen.

    I can well imagine that living with Sarah is punishment enough for any young girl.

    Remember this comment tomorrow folks and sorry that I cannot ID myself.

  5. Anonymous6:04 PM

    I, too, cannot ID myself; my name really isn't Aussie; or Blue, or Sky.

    The person they cuffed on the ground may have been sad and empty, Gryphen - but he was not a woman, nor even girly-looking.

    Probably just your average pervert.


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.