Thursday, April 02, 2009

Old Media (newspapers) vs New Media (blogs) and the fight that nobody wins.

There have been some bizarre happenings up here in the land of the midnight sun. Some tactical strikes, that at first seemed unrelated, but which now seem to have a certain unifying thread.

First there was the decision by the Anchorage Daily News to stop linking to certain progressive blogs in deference to the wishes of the Conservatives4Palin website.

Then current Alaskan Representative, and ex-columnist, Mike Doogan decided to out the anonymous blogger responsible for the wildly popular progressive site known as Mudflats.

And now since that incident the progressive blogs have all rallied around AKMuckraker, while many of the traditional media types have sided with Mike Doogan.

It seems that some in the local news media do not afford the same First Amendment rights to a citizen who writes about local malfeasance and corruption that they themselves enjoy. Even though ALL of our progressive bloggers are very careful to cite their sources and to make it crystal clear when they are reporting real facts and when they are expressing an informed opinion.

The first thing that it reminded me of was how the Bush administration made the case for torturing "enemy combatants" by saying that since they did not wear the uniform of any particular country they were not protected by the rules of the Geneva Convention.

So does that mean since I am not a paid member of the media that I am not allowed to write my thoughts on this blog without revealing my real name, my occupation, my ethnicity, my social security number, my sexual orientation or my political point of view? (Okay that last one you should be able to discern for yourself without too much difficulty.)

It the last several months we have seen the Alaskan progressive blogs explode in readership, while at the same time our local newspapers have seen a sharp decrease in subscriptions. Apparently some see a direct correlation. But nothing could be farther from the truth.

In fact we have dramatically increased the number of people who visit ADN online, or KTUU, or KTVA, or any other local news outlets that have material that we can link to when writing our post. I believe that if somebody were to take the time to study the amount of hits generated by our blogs and bring that to the attention of the owners they would quickly decide that creating a dialogue between the blogs and the news outlets would be a POSITIVE thing that could work to the benefit of all.

We certainly cannot continue to cover Alaskan politics without having dedicated professional journalists doing the initial reporting.

Though I have conducted a few interviews myself, and several of us have broken a few stories, we really do not consider ourselves journalists in the strictest sense. Perhaps commentators, or even news aggregators, would be a more fitting label.

No blogger is trying to supplant the traditional media. And if, as appearances seem to indicate, the local media has decided that they have to make a choice between supporting our free speech rights or playing nice with the Governor, than that is very, very sad indeed.

Remember, Sarah Palin is only the flavor of the month, but the blogs are here to stay.

We are completely open to working with the local media. We only ask for a little equal respect.

Every day visitors come to our sites and judge them, not on who we are, but on how we write.

Is it too much to ask the journalists of our state to do the same?


  1. Ratfish6:36 PM

    Now that Sarah Palin has gone beyond the pale and called for the resignation of Mark Begich, I have one question:

    Does Les Gara and his minions in the legislature get it? Are they ready to start acting like Democrats, and shed their Palin faction label? Or is it going to be more wimpy "kumbaya" statements?

    How about fixing state statute so Palin can't continue to be unethical with per diem and family travel just for starters?

  2. Anonymous7:31 PM

    Great post Gryphen. I believe the old media types are getting worried that blogs like yours are going to put them out of business. They are just jealous.

  3. Anonymous7:37 PM

    The news papers are so biased and so are the news channels on TV. Case in point, Emmonak on CNN, they only reported half of the truth, they didn't report on GINO not helping or how she refused to acknowledge the situation until Graham came and saved her day. We not only come to blogs for the truth, we seek communication with like minded individuals. You don't get that in the news papers. What you get is alot of spam and people that are so opinionated you can't even have a decent debate with them or so dillusional its not even worth to responding to their comments. Thanks Gryphen for doing such a wonderful job discussing your own thoughts and opinions. They are much apprectiated.

  4. Anonymous7:48 PM

    Gryphen, I can honestly say that I had never read ADN online before I became a Mudflats reader and a reader of your blog. So please count me as one of your readers who found ADN ONLY because of blogs.

  5. I have to agree with Anonymous 7:48 PM - I didn't read the ADN or go the the tv news websites until I started reading Alaska blogs. They're cutting their noses off to spite their faces. And their faces are jealous. Excellent post, BTW.

  6. Count me in with Anon @ 748. If not for reading you and AKM, I'd never have found my way to the ADN.

  7. Heck, Anonymous @ 7:37 PM, even when CNN reported only half the truth about Emmonak, conservative blogs were crying and whining about how biased AGAINST Gov. Palin CNN was.

    I guess they didn't like the fact that Dennis Zaki's video of what was REALLY happening in rural Alaska actually made it to MSM.

  8. FEDUP!!!9:14 AM

    Same here, Dianne!
    To top it all off, now GINO is asking for Begich to resign, and she is challenging the Dems in her appointment of Dorfy...

  9. Never would have looked for those AK papers if it had not been for Alaskan bloggers linking to them. (Although, without blogs, out of desperation I would have been forced to do my own archival searches to find out what a nutty nut she who was almost foisted upon us is and was.)


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It just goes directly to their thighs.