Tuesday, April 07, 2009

Rachel Maddow's take on the Levi Johnston/Sarah Palin kerfuffle.

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As usual Rachel does a very good job of summing up the Palin psychodrama.

By the way I have gone back and looked at the picture that was featured in STAR magazine of Levi and his father holding a baby. I now believe that the baby in that picture is also NOT Tripp. I now believe that Mercedes was trying to send a message with Star magazine, and when that failed she took her story to the Tyra Banks Show.

I wish I could post the picture for you to see but I still cannot get into my computer and that is where the picture is stored. However if you click here you can see it from an older post of mine. Notice how young Levi looks.

I know I am going out on a limb here so I invite you to do your own comparison and share what you believe to be accurate. I swear this story has more twists and turns then a Dan Brown novel.

Update: Okay I mulled this over all day today. That McCain/Palin t-shirt seems to make it impossible for this baby to be Trig. So I stand corrected on that. (I said I was going out on a limb.) However I am still convinced that Mercedes is behind these old pictures suddenly surfacing.

At this point I am unable to say for certain if one or both of these children belong to Levi. But I will say that it seems clear that he and his family BELIEVE that one, or both of them, belong to Levi.

I will also volunteer that I don't believe that Sarah had Trig, and that I believe that Bristol had both children. Beyond that I have to say that I am not sure WHAT to believe.

Now I am going to head over to Palin's Deceptions and see what Audrey thinks about all of this.


  1. okay...so here is the thing- the Levi shirt is the main clue in this photo- the shirt is from the McCain Palin campaign - so the shirt was made after august....so the photo is probally from whenever the baby was born...? December ? January ? and it is taken at the Palin's - look at the photo on the shelf behind them- is that Track in the military photo ?

    so where is Levi's dad ? has he spoken out ? I think it's rotten that they are not allowed photos and not allowed to visit...

  2. Gryphen, Levi is wearing a McCain/Palin T-shirt in the Tripp photo. But I agree they went to Tyra when the STAR article didn't have the effect they wanted, which seems to be access to Tripp. And that's why they gave TB the picture of Levi holding Trig that is shown at 7:49, as a very subtle warning. Most people wouldn't have recognized the baby switch, but you can be sure Sarah and Co. got the message loud and clear. These people are keeping a lot of secrets. And if Sarah and daughter don't wise up, the Johnstons are not going to have anything to lose, and they're going to start talking.

  3. Good catch Enigma. I missed the shirt clue.

    Hell now I am even more confused.

    Well I am going to leave the post up because I am still interested in everyones opinion.

  4. I agree that the McCain-Palin tshirt Levi is wearing makes me think the photo was taken after Tripp was born (Dec or Jan).

    Could it be impossible that the photo was taken early fall (after Sarah was named as the vp candidate) and the baby is Trig, who would be about 6 months old?

    I not really good at telling a baby's age so I have no clue.

  5. Anonymous8:24 AM

    I wish that I knew more about how you go about linking and posting things. Over at Palin's Deceptions, they have a link to the Triggy Bear pictures with Mercede, Bristol,and now Levi. It would be helpful if you (someone) could add the Tabloid photo of Levi, Levi's Dad and "baby" to the collection at http://tinyurl.com/cwgqkv so we could compare how young or old Levi looks compared to the Triggy Bear pictures. Could it be possible that someone photoshopped Levi's T-shirt, because it would not be possible for him to be wearing a McCain-Palin shirt with Triggy Bear. But given the total black background of his shirt, anything could be dropped in there. We need to see that baby side-by-side with the other pictures.

    On another note, I notice in the left-hand sidebar a number of other blogs and sites, for example: Sarah's least favorite blogs: Palin's Deceptions lists Rachel Maddow Weighs In, 3 hrs. ago. Whether I click on the link from your website, or go there directly, I'm still looking at the previous entry Message In A Bottle. Can someone explain-- do they send you the link, but haven't posted it in their blog yet? As Ted Stevens famously described the internet as a series of tubes, I wish I knew more about what was going where and how they got there.

    One more topic: Trying to figure out when all these babies were born. When the Palin's announced that Tripp was born last December, and now the proof seems to be that all of Bristol's girl friends were there-- could they have "rented" a little bundle of joy for the assembled party, (no photos please) to validate the date? I hate to sound so suspicious, but if the Tyra Show told us anything, it was the the Palin's were very strict about the no-photo thing. OK, they were trying to make $300,000. from People Magazine, and they didn't want others to sell any pictures and make money-- but we also do not have a set of pictures like the Triggy Bear pictures to compare with later photos of the same baby. There is just no photo evidence that Tripp existed before he appeared in the Fox GVS interview.

  6. Another question though - why would Levi be wearing a campaign shirt AFTER Sarah Palin lost?

  7. There is similar speculation at PalinDeceptions blog, about a couple of photos shown on the Tyra show. Audrey seems to think that Mercede is sending Palin a message as well.

  8. Anonymous9:05 AM

    However, notice both men are wearing short sleeved shirts. I lived in Alaska for 18 years and trust me, we put away our short sleeved shirts during the winter months. Perhaps the shirt had been made in the spring, right around Trig's birth, because S the Queen knew she would be picked??

  9. Anonymous9:17 AM

    Run, do not walk, to palindeception.com/blog and read the latest on a photo of Levi holding Tripp. Or, is it Trig...?

  10. Anonymous9:19 AM

    The photo at 7:49 is a picture of Trig. Darker hair, same outfit and Mercede's outfit same as her photo with Trig and Palin released last August. The other baby has much lighter hair. I think you are right, Gryphen, someone is trying to tell the world.

    Oh, and what I do find odd in that photo of Levi with his father holding a baby...both wearing t-shirts in Dec/Jan.

  11. Anonymous9:38 AM

    One of the great sleuths established that this photo was taken at the Palins around the time of a January interview. The heart on the shelf is also a clue. In another picture with the heart there is snow outside. I think the interview was with a man named Ziegler? He is an ardent admirer. This may have been the documentary about how the media was out to do her in.

  12. Anonymous10:16 AM

    Gryphen, the faces of the babies are different enough that I think I can tell them apart that way. In the one of Levi and his dad, saying that they will fight for custody, the baby is Tripp.

  13. Anonymous10:30 AM

    Thanks for the Rachel Maddow moment. Her snark is always intelligent, so I heart her.

    Her guest, Connie, wife of Senator Schultz hits the nail on head; GINO should never have dragged that young man (or any of the kids) into the political spotlight.

    Now GINO is dealing with the fallout, and has only herself to blame. (But you know how she is about taking responsibility for anything.)

  14. Mercedes message to Bristol

    Levis advice to teen fathers:

    These videos were taped after the interview and only seen on Tyra Banks website

  15. Gryphen, I can't recall whether I posted this comment over at Audrey's or whether the Internets spit it out: But I do note that in the Tyra Banks' shots, Mercede appears fuller-faced and -figured than in the previous pictures of her, both with "Triggy Bear" and in her prom shots. I've been photographed AND appeared on television, so the ten pounds that the camera allegedly adds does it whether by photography on on broadcast. Teenage girls often change their "looks" with frequency, but Sadie's facial and body fullness does make one wonder whether Sadie may be the next Johnston to give birth, possibly to give her mother a grandchild she doesn't have to sue to see.

  16. Anonymous11:36 AM

    Personally, I think the names alone are a cry for help. Trigg and Tripp? Bloody hell.

    The bubs are barely a year apart, right? So it makes perfect sense for these two teens to have thought Bristol unable to conceive after the first birth because it is a COMMON misconception of teens that new and/or nursing mothers cannot conceive - so here's just the perfect time for them to have sex unhindered by condoms. Oops.

    I've actually tried to find the stats on this because I know they exist, but so far, no luck.

    Eventually, someone's going to come forward. they always do.

    Lynn in Australia

  17. It has to be from Tripp's birth because of the McCain-Palin t-shirt. As much as we wish for there to be more nails in this coffin, I am going to have to let this one slide.

    Rachel did a great job of pointing out that we have a serious, intelligent POTUS in Obama, and how far the former darling of the Republican party's star has fallen. This Tyra interview made it to cable news, and ET type shows all over the nation. To be honest with you, the Republican party no longer views Plain as a serious, viable candidate...she is a mess, and a total embarassment to their party.

    I know McCain sees these things and cringes. Just proves how poorly Palin was vetted, and how right on all those comments that came out of McCain's staff after the election about Sarah being crazy were probably right on the money.

  18. I think Levi looks young in this picture as well but because of the McCain/Palin shirt I do believe that this is a picture of Levi, his father and Tripp. I wonder when it was taken?

  19. Thank you so much, Gryph, for posting this very important interview with the peeps at Gotcha Media. I am stunned that this drama just gets uglier and uglier.

    Gov. Palin has committed the ultimate travesty by damning the esteem of her own children and grandchild, not only on the small and painful family scale - but in the public. eye. forever.

    Her megalomania is boundless as she continually f*cks with our State politics, finances, and reputation across the nation.

    I am grateful that so many other people are beginning to question her culpability and corruption at last. For Alaskans, things will just never be the same... That fateful day in late August '08 when Palin became our very own State version of nine-eleven... and our world changed forever.

  20. Madcitychick1:03 PM

    What is confusing though is the McCain Palin t-shirt looks worn and faded to me not to mention Levi looks younger than most of what we've seen of him.

  21. She's no Griz...
    she & first dud are all groundhog

    This thought struck me over at "deceptions" after watching Rachel's discussion.
    So I'll post it her too...with some new thoughts included.
    In many ways I can identify with the Palins. I'm from Maine, I like to snowmobile,go fishing, get out on the ocean. I don't hunt, but I don't care if they do. I have a lot of friends who are hunters and I love it when they drop a little deer or moose meat in my freezer.
    We're both from small towns.
    I'm liberal, they're conservative.
    I have two daughters...they have more.
    We could probably enjoy a weekend together, snowmobiling up to Quebec, maybe some ice fishing and a few beers.

    But no way no how, could I tolerate their presence, regarding how they treat their daughters and family.

    It's ignorant, it's not right, and it's just not accepted here in our liberal, democratic bastion of the Northeast.

    Governor Palin is obviously aware of all the blogging discussions going on regarding the sexual activity of her own daughter, and of the national media attention of how regularly she practiced safe sex.
    If a mother (of any stripe) could put a quick and immediate end to these public discussions regarding her own daughter with a single document...don't you think she would have? (or maybe a complete medical profile all other candidates provided more than one day before the election?)
    To hell with being a "Mama Grizz", this wasilliabilly is is a "mama groundhog" just hidin', and hunkerin' down hoping it all will blow over.
    And to think her State spokesperson, on the State's dime, is sent out to ruin her own reputation to patty-smack her Governor's grandson's father & family.

    It is time to call Governor Groundhog out.

    If the Governor has an ounce of respect for her daughter, her grandsons or the truth, put this discussion quickly to rest by providing the medical documentation and records needed.

    And speaking as a father of two daughters, I am shocked that Todd has allowed this to go on as long as it has.

    git 'er done Todd.
    step up, manly man.
    Come out of the garage...your family is getting slapped around.

    If something's not the truth here you ought to be pissed.

    Provide the evidence that's needed to allow so many to stop discussing your daughter's sex life.


    But if you're covering up all these lies that your wife's gotten you into just so she can finally shake off that hurt from her second place finish in that beauty contest and finally be president of the United States which means you will actually have to live in Washington DC year round, which has about as much snow mobiling and hanging out with your buds as some some island off Juneau.............
    maybe we understand.

  22. Irishgirl2:57 PM

    If you ever make it to Dublin....I'll buy you a pint of Guinness. Love your blog.

  23. for everyone thinking that this interview confirms triPP's birth-date, it really doesn't, he could have been born a bit later than dec. 27th, the events of the day mercede narrated could have played out then. and we don't even know that all B's girlfriends visited the delivery suit, we just know that mercede was told they visited earlier in the day.

    we don't even know what hospital tripp was born at. remember that news of this blessed event first reached the world from bristol's great aunt who lives in washington (or oregon, i can't remember) who had been sent the news in a family email. she was then (apparently) cold-called by people mag and spilled the news. in and of itself that's a weird way to announce the birth. and not a single picture or reported sighting surfaced anywhere until that greta VS thing.

    so he could have been born dec. 27th as claimed, or not. but if he was, and levi was staying at the palin's awaiting the birth, then he spent christmas with them and not with mercede and his mom, maybe there's lingering anger there too. -SO much potential for heated teenage drama!

    anyone dvr that last bit where mercede (apparently) talks about having "levi" tattooed on her wrist and sherry talks about someone hacking their computers?

    can you please put it on youtube or tell us exactly what was said? i'm dying to see it, wonder why the person posting the other videos didn't make "part 3"?

  24. CBS
    Good Morning America
    Just saw Katie on CBS News talk about it.

    Now I imagine that's gotta be LIVE!!!

    But I only imagine that....I don't know.
    Those TV people can trick you.
    Like who knew Tyra was three weeks ago!!??

    All I know, is it's time for Todd Palin to step up and set the record straight and get his kids back on track.

    Finish high school
    go to college
    get a job

    (I know it's a left wing, liberal agenda, but what you're doing ain't workin'.)

  25. Can someone tell me what that shirt says and at the very bottom what is that is it Peter? Alaska

  26. Ok, put your tin-foil hats on for a second...just because the t-shirt that Levi is wearing has "McCain/Palin" on it in the photo, doesn't mean that the shirt actually says that. How hard would it be for someone to photoshop those names in? I'm not familiar with the t-shirt, it looks like an Alaskan one, maybe made for the campaign? Has anyone seen one like it anywhere other than the photo?

    Just sayin.'

  27. Elizabeth...That is why I was asking I searched on internet about election shirts looked at tons, but there is zillions. That's why I thought maybe if the bottom part said a region I could find it that way to see when it went on sale. I haven't found one that even looks remotely the same...Gryphen can you tell what the shirt says..

    looks like McCain * Palin
    (something) ? obama
    ? Alaska
    ? Peter? Alaska

  28. I *think* the t-shirt says Petersville Alaska.. it is in the Mad Zoo valley so it would sorta make sense. I tried to find a shirt like that on the 'net to no avail... probably a local silkscreener ran off a hundred.

  29. Yeah, I seem to remember a *lot* of local t-shirts being made after she was the VP pick. Alaska Serigraphics made a lot of shirts, if I remember correctly, I wonder if there's a way to find out if it's one of theirs?

    It looks like it says something like "Our Alaska(n) Mama shreds Obama." But that's just a guess. I tried to find it online, but had no luck.

    So, (tin foil hats on again) it probably is a real t-shirt, but that doesn't mean that the photo wasn't tampered with in some way to reinforce the idea that this pic was taken after August 2008.

  30. Anonymous6:04 PM

    Enlarged the photo and this could be a yamaha sports club shirt - searched google and found a business in Wasilla called 'performance yamaha' with catalogs for 'stuff' as well as motorcycles.

    That would make the black circular bit above the word 'Alaska' into a whit helmet with blackfull visor - and would make sense.

    Maybe the business promoted their governor by adding the McCain - Palin wording - or maybe it was added after the photo was taken. Someone in Wasilla should be able to find better info.

    Lynn in Australia

  31. Anonymous7:52 PM

    Petersville Alaska
    Bloomberg reports today that Richter is also an appointee of the Palin administration, and a co-owner with Palin on a land investment of 30 acres of property near a lake in Petersville, Alaska, worth about $47,000. Richter has only a year of college education, after which she's worked "bookkeeping and finance jobs" before serving as Palin's gubernatorial campaign treasurer. Not long after being made governor, Palin approved Richter's hiring as the "director of a division that distributes dividends to Alaskans from the state's oil-wealth savings account."


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