Tuesday, April 07, 2009

Wrist still stinging from slap by Alaska legislators, Governor Sarah uses other hand to push forward another murky candidate for Senate seat.

Gov. Sarah Palin on Monday appointed University of Alaska Southeast admissions director Joe Nelson to the state Senate, dropping nominee Tim Grussendorf after the Senate Democrats refused to budge on their rejection of him.

Senate Democrats wanted Palin to work with Juneau Democratic Party officials on the selection, and Nelson's was not one of the four names that the Juneau Democrats forwarded to the governor as suggestions.

Rich Listowski, a state Democratic Party central committee member from Juneau, said Nelson hasn't been active in the party, unlike the four people recommended.

"As a member of the central committee I would urge the senators to vote this nomination down in favor of the more experienced candidates who have run areawide in Juneau and have won elections," Listowski said after hearing of the pick.

If you have ever been a parent you will remember when your little one was around two years old and they started to test boundaries and explore their world, relying on you to let them know when they are doing something dangerous or wrong.

You try to reason with the child at first. "No, no honey. Don't touch, that is hot."

Then if the behavior continues you must get a little firmer. "No! Stop touching that. It is not okay!"

And if that does not deter your precious snowflake, well then you may find yourself using tactics that make you feel mean and just like your parents. "Honey, I said no!" SLAP. Right on the wrist.

The child cries and you feel badly, but hopefully the lesson has been learned and you will not have to resort to such tactics again the next time you have to set limits.

But some two year olds simply do not learn that quickly. They need to have a wrist slap EVERY SINGLE TIME.

THAT is the kind of two year old that Sarah Palin seems to be.

She JUST got a wrist slap, but she has learned nothing. She has a list of qualified candidates to choose from and yet she continues to ignore the boundaries and selfishly do only what SHE wants to do.

Now if the legislators give in and let her have her way, then she will not respect their boundaries or wishes in the future. She will have gotten her way, and next time she will be even MORE stubborn.

So the legislators have no choice but to keep reinforcing their guidelines until she accepts them and does things the way they want them done. That is good parenting.

But does the legislature have the will to stand their ground?

Ellis said he liked the four names submitted by the Juneau Democrats. "The fact (Nelson) is not on the Juneau Democrats' list is not a mark in his favor for me personally," Ellis said.

Yeah they might be able to stand up to Governor Sarah's temper tantrums. Which is really for her own good.

(By the way Governor if you keep making that face it is going to get stuck that way.)


  1. The law is clear. The Gov chooses from a list provided to her. Period. And they gave her FOUR names this time.

    She has to be told that the law is the law.

  2. Anonymous6:43 AM

    Check out Mudflats.

    Nelson is a wolf in sheep's clothing and should not be approved.

  3. SoCalWolfGal7:51 AM

    I wish her face would get stuck - that expression suits her so well! The Dem Legs need to kick her butt and let her know it is time for all this nonsense and posturing to stop. The good people of Juneau need representation, not theatrics.

  4. Gryphen I sure do like reading your blog. You are right her face will freeze like that, eewww.

  5. I hope to god the Democratic senators are still drinking lots of water. They're going to need it for this pissing match.

  6. mlaiuppa11:51 AM

    You can't reason with a two year old. That's why you slap their hand. Until Palin shows that she is capable of reasoning, I suggest she continued to get slapped.

  7. ...that's the picture SarahPAC needed to use on it's opening page...add a Blackberry in her hands, [looks like one was PH'ed out anyways]...Wish I were a graphicArtist right about now..


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