Tuesday, April 07, 2009

There is a politician even wackier than Sarah Palin, I kid you not! I don't if I should feel relieved or jealous?

So Bachman is afraid that these "young people" will be forced to enter into "re-education camps" where they will be trained to do the job that they are volunteering to do. You know like the military does now, or the Peace Corps, or for that matter Wal-Mart.

And I believe that the "philosophy" that Michell Bachman is so concerned with is the philosophy of reaching out to help those less fortunate then ourselves. Yeah I can really see how Rep. Bachman would want to keep her children form learning that. That seems to go against everything the Republicans believe in.

She wants people to be educatged so that they can be "dangerous to the policies on the left". Well so much for that whole Kumbaya moment.

Damn this woman is out of her freaking gourd!


  1. Tlhis is so sad. I heard the same fears in the 50's about the UN and the Roman Catholic Church. Trans-national? I wonder where she would stand on military draft. If there was ever a propaganda camp it belongs to the military. Did citizens object to the CCC and the WPA in the 30's? What about the Peace Corps? All sorts of awful things done by that! But I will give her credit for being articulate. I'll bet she knows what she reads.

  2. Yes, she is Kooky... she is over the top kooky.. last year before the election she was on Hardball and was wanting to have Pres. Obama investigated to see if he was Anti-American, then to have all members of Congress investigated.. I say start with her...lol Now, she wants her people armed and ready for action in case they need to be.. of course she walked that back a little saying that she meant information, now this.. like I said over the top crazy.. Oh, I forgot, she also wants everyone to sign off on the bill saying we aren't going to get rid of the Dollar... ok...lol

  3. This woman makes me laugh everytime I see her. She reminds me to the Batman 'Joker'. That crazy looking smile she always has on her face kills me. Gryphen, you are right this is one crazy lady!

  4. Anonymous9:01 PM

    Gryphen, I learned of Michele Bachmann of Montana while watching a video where she was calling for an orderly revolution. I was shocked to hear a politician invoking fellow Americans to revolt against other fellow Americans.

  5. Anonymous9:26 PM

    Sarah is a train wreck, to be sure, but she is the best thing for Democrats. Every time Sarah opens her mouth, we pick-up another congressional seat. Sarah is loony, but entertaining. Bachman, however, is a cross between Tom DeLay and Ann Coulter, and is full-blown psychopath.

  6. Anonymous9:36 PM

    Palin or Bachmann choices, can we switch governors, please?

  7. The sad part is Bachmann actually got reelected last fall ever after the obmam and Democratic congress anti-American investigation comments on Congess. Apparently there is a place in Minnesota that actually has people who seemingly think she's onto something


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